Curriculum vitae
Name Matthieu Marc Nkumu Loposso
Home address 24, Ubangi, Righini, Lemba, Kinshasa, DR Congo
Phone: +243815112623 (DR Congo) +243854870018 +243903167556
+243 994927082
e- mail:
Office address Dept of Surgery – urology
Kinshasa University Hospital, Kinshasa, DR Congo
Training - Study
2001: Medical doctor, Kinshasa University, RD Congo
2008: Qualified Medical Surgeon, Kinshasa University Hospitals, RD Congo
2012- 2016: PhD student KU Leuven
Professional experience:
2002-2008: Assistant surgery department (Kinshasa university)
2008- now: Teacher urogenital anatomy (Kinshasa university), urology chapter in Kinshasa University hospital
2008- now: Member of staff-urology division-surgery department/Kinshasa university hospital.
2017- now: Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Free University of Kinshasa.
2019 and 2020: Obstetric fistula care campaign in Kisantu, Kikwit, Lusambo
Hydrocele management campaign in Muanda, Boma, Matadi, Mbanza Ngungu.
-Research interest:
My research is centered on female urology (obstetric fistula, urinary incontinence), male infertility, oncology (prostate cancer, benign prostate hyperplasia, urethral stricture), erectile dysfunction.
European association of urology ( since 2012).
International continence society (since 2015)
Association Congolaise d’urologie (since 2005).
Ligue national contre le cancer (since 2005).
Association des anciens de la faculté de médecine de l’université de Kinshasa (Ex. Lovanium) (since 2012).
-Honours and awards
Scholar of the Marc Vervenne fund KU Leuven 2010-2015
BAU 2013, winner best abstract (7/12/2013 –Ghent).
International Continence Society / Pfizer international scholarship grant (9/2016)
-Loposso N M, Ndundu J, De Win G, Ost D, Punga Maole A and De Ridder D. Obstetric fistula in a District Hospital in DR Congo: Fistula Still Occur Despite Access to Caesarean Section. Neurourology and Urodynamics 2015 Jun; 34(5):434-7
-Loposso N M, Hakim L, Ndundu J, Lufuma S, Punga Maole A, De Ridder D. Predictors of recurrence and successful treatment of obstetric fistula. Urology 2016.
-Loposso MN, Ndundu J, Mbunzu D, Matala T, Punga AM, De Ridder D.
Assessing quality of life in obstetric fistula patients: Validation of the urogenital distress inventory (UDI-6) and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (IIQ-7) in Lingala and Kikongo in DR Congo. Neurourol Urodyn. 2019 Sep;38(7):1994-2000. doi: 10.1002/nau.24105. Epub 2019 Jul 18
-Loposso M, Ndundu J, Punga Maole A, Lufuma LS, Dirk de Ridder. The management of obstetric fistulae: a 5-year integrated approach decreases the incidence in a health district of DRC. African Journal of Urology (submitted)
-AugustinMonga-Lembe Punga-Maole, Kampanga Mobile, Jean Jacques Kabuleyi, KalongaNatuhoyila, Aliocha Nkodila, Matthieu Nkumu Loposso. Urinary incontinence in a female adolescent due to an ectopic ureter opening into the vestibulum: a case report. Urology Case Reports Available online 29 November 2019, 101073
-Andy-Müller Luzolo Nzinga, Inès Bilo Mbaki, Pompon Kazadi Ilunga, François Njimbu Kapend, Nadine Mbanzulu Diyasilua, Roger Mwimba Mbungu, Mathieu Nkumu Loposso, Betty Miangindula Mabenza, Augustin Mboko Kipula, Honoré Nkakudulu Bikuku. Profil clinique de l´incontinence urinaire de la femme aux Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa de 2015 à 2016: une étude descriptive rétrospective. Case series | Volume 37, Article 386, 30 Dec 2020 | 10.11604/pamj.2020.37.386.18036
-Book Chapter
De Ridder D, Browning A, Mourad S, Stanford E, Loposso M, Muleta M, Badlani G. Committee 18: Fistula. In “Incontinence”, International Consultation on Urological Disease, Tokyo, 2016.
Abstracts and presentations
-Belgian Association of Urology 7/12/2013
Fistula still occur despite access to caesarean section: a study in the district of Kisantu, RD Congo; M. Loposso, J. Ndundu, D. Ost, G. De Win, A. Punga & D. De Ridder
-Société Internationale d’Urologie, Glasgow 2014
The predictors of recurrence and successful treatment following VVF Surgery: a single centre experience at saint Luc hospital-Kisantu, DR Congo. M. Loposso, J. Ndundu, D. Ost, G. De Win, A. Punga & D. De Ridder
-Global congress on Lower urinary tract disease, Rome 2015
Urinary incontinence, frequent reality in Kinshasa hospice of old women. M. Loposso, F. Chewa, S. Lufuma, A. Punga-maole, D. De Ridder
-International Continence Society (ICS) Tokyo 13- 16 september 2016
Poster: A telemedicine approach for advanced treatment of urgency incontinence associated with Parkinson' disease in an octogenarian in developing associated country in collaboration with an Indian expert centre.
- Loposso
-International Continence Society (ICS) Florence 22- 25 september 2017
Poster and oral presentation. Loposso M, Ndundu J, Nembunzu D, Matalatala K, Punga Maole A, Lufuma LS, Dirk de Ridder. Assessing quality on life in obstetric fistulas patients: validation of the urogenital distress inventory (UDI-6) and Incontinence Impact question (IIQ-7) in Lingala and Kikongo in DR Congo. Neurourology and Urodynamics.
-International Continence Society (ICS) Philadelphia 28- 31august 2018
Poster and oral presentation. Loposso M Urinary incontinence in women who gave birth at least once. A descriptive study in a large African University hospital. Matthieu Nkumu Loposso, Luzolo, Tshibi, Augustin Punga Maole, Dieudonné Molamba Moningo, Jean Paul Mokumu Esika, Pablo Bisimwa Diangienda,Justin Ngendju Bossa, De Ridder D JMK.
Local publication
-Loposso; N. K. M., Bossa N. J., Lufuma L. S, Moningo M. D.,Punga-Maole,A. M. L., Tshitala B. D. Analyse rétrospective de l’oligoasthénotératospermie en milieu Hospitalier de Kinshasa. Annales Africaine de médecine. 2010. Septembre. Vol 3 : 4
-Diangienda KD, Lufuma LN, Punga ML, Tshitala B, Bossa N, Moningo M, Loposso N. Fistules vésico-vaginales de la catégorie V de Barroux. A propos des 25 cas suivis aux Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshas Annales Africaine de médecine. Vol. 9 : 4, Septembre 2015.
-Loposso NKM, Bossa NJ, Ilinga LS ,Moningo MD, Tshitala BD, Diangenda NP, Lufuma LS, Punga AML. Varicocèle et anomalies associées : à la Clinique de Lilas à Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo. Ann. Afr. Med., Vol 9, N° 4, Sept. 2016
-Moningo DM, Kashitu GM, Loposso MN, Tshitala DB, Bossa JN, Diangienda PN, et al. Epidemiological and evolutionary profile of the male urogenital system traumas at the Kinshasa University Hospital Ann. Afr. Med., vol. 11, n° 3, Juin 2018
-Loposso MN, Esika MJ, Punga AML, Lufuma L, Lebwaze BM. Chondroblastome para vertébrale et iliaque : une observation rare Para vertebral and iliac chondroblastoma: a rare case report1. Lufuma L, Lebwaze BM. Chondroblastome para vertébrale et iliaque : une observation rare Para vertebral and iliac chondroblastome. Ann Africaine médecine. 2018;11(figure 1):2–5.
-Justin A. Bossa, Simon L. Lufuma, Dieudonné M. Moningo, Donatien B. Tshitala, Matthieu N. Loposso, Pablo N. Diangienda, Augustin ML.Punga. Utilité de la biopsie testiculaire dans le bilan de l’infertilité des couples Usefulness of testicular biopsy in the checkup of infertility couple. Ann. Afr. Med., vol. 11, n° 4, Sept. 2018
-Matthieu Nkumu Loposso, Angèle Molua Mbongo, Dieudonné Molamba Moningo, Augustin Monga Lembe Punga-Maole, Simon Luankandi Lufuma. Fracture du pénis de suite d’une consommation excessive d’alcool : une urgence chirurgicale inhabituelle. Ann. Afr. Med., vol. 12, n° 2, Mars 2019
-Matthieu Marc Nkumu Loposso, Jean Paul Mokumo Esika,
Justin Ngendjuu Bossa, Dieudonné Molamba Moningo, Augustin Mongalembe Punga-Maole, Pablo Nkutima Diangienda, Matalatala Kamey, Simon Lwa Nkandi Lufuma. Validation du score IIEF-5 en Lingala, langue nationale parlée en Républiue démocratique du Congo. Ann. Afr. Med., vol. 13, n° 1, Dec. 2019
Liste des publications
- NKUMU, Matthieu Marc Loposso, MUKAZ, Pitchou Mbey, MOKUMU, Jean Paul Esika, et al. Medico-surgical treatment in an emphysematous pyelonephritis case caused by urolithiasis in a non-diabetic patient: About one case report in a subsahara university hospital. Urology Case Reports, 2022, p. 102104.
2.Kuntima Diasiama PD, Moningo Molamba D, Makulo Rissasy JR, Sumaili Kiswaya E, Mafuta Musalu É, Ngoma A, Loposso Nkumu M, Punga-Maole A, Lwa Nkandi SL, Haymann JP, Daudon M. Composition chimique des calculs urinaires et caractéristiques épidémiologiques associées en République Démocratique du Congo [Chemical composition of urinary stones and associated factors in the Democratic Republic of Congo]. Nephrol Ther. 2021 Oct;17(6):441-450. French. doi: 10.1016/j.nephro.2021.04.002. Epub 2021 Jun 27. PMID: 34187760.
- Pablo Kuntima Diasiama Diangienda*, Dieudonné Molamba Moningo, Alain Ngoma Mayindu, Jean-Robert Rissasy Makulo, Ernest Kiswaya Sumaili, Eric Musalu Mafuta, Mathieu Nkumu Loposso, Augustin M. L. Punga-Maole, Simon Lwa Nkandi Lufuma, Jean-Philippe Haymann, Michel Daudon. Eating Habits among Lithiasic Patients in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo. Open Journal of Urology, 2021, vol. 11, no 6, p. 200-213.
4.Moningo, D. M., Liloku, J. K., Loposso, M. N., Diangienda, P. N., Maole, A. M. P., Demongawi, R. K., & Aliocha, N. (2021). Evolution of Androgenic Deprivation in Treatment of Prostate Cancer in Kinshasa. Open Journal of Urology, 11(04), 137.
David Kizunga M , Aliocha Nkodila N, Jean Mukaya T , Michel Lelo T , Mathieu Loposso L , Antoine Molua A. Uroscannographic Profile of Urolithiasis at Marie Biamba Mutumbo Hospital in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Vol.11; Issue: 1; January 2021
Diangienda, P. K. D., Moningo, D. M., Mayindu, A. N., Makulo, J. R. R., Sumaili, E. K., Mafuta, E. M., Loposso... & Daudon, M. (2021). Eating Habits among Lithiasic Patients in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo. Open Journal of Urology, 11(6), 200-213.
NDONGILA, Joachim Moba, NATUHOYILA, Aliocha Nkodila, NKUMU, Mathieu Loposso, et al. Survival and Predictors of Patient Mortality during Road Traffic Accidents in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Historical Cohort Study. Open Access Library Journal, 2021, vol. 8, no 11, p. 1-11.
Nzinga AL, Mbaki IB, Ilunga PK, Kapend FN, Diyasilua NM, Mbungu RM, Loposso MN, Mabenza BM, Kipula AM, Bikuku HN. Profil clinique de l´incontinence urinaire de la femme aux Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa de 2015 à 2016: une étude descriptive rétrospective [Clinical profile of urinary incontinence in women hospitalized in the University Clinics of Kinshasa from 2015 to 2016]. Pan Afr Med J. 2020 Dec 30;37:386. French. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2020.37.386.18036. PMID: 33796199; PMCID: PMC7992413.
9.Diasiama, Pablo Diangienda Kuntima Diasiama, et al. "Urolithiasis Management in Resource-Limited Settings: A Multicentric Retrospective Study in the Democratic Republic of Congo." (2020).
NKUMU, Matthieu Marc Loposso, KAPINGA, Christian Kane, MOLAMBA, Dieu Donné Moningo, et al. A Cross-Sectional Study According to Risk Factors Associated with Erectile Dysfunction in Men. Advances in Sexual Medicine, 2020, vol. 10, no 3, p. 104-118.
12.Monga-Lembe Punga-Maole A, Mobile K, Kabuleyi Kalonga JJ, Nkodila NA, Loposso MN. Urinary incontinence in a female adolescent due to an ectopic ureter opening into the vestibulum: A case report. Urol Case Rep. 2019 Nov 29;29:101073. doi: 10.1016/j.eucr.2019.101073. PMID: 31908955; PMCID: PMC6938906.
13.Loposso MN, Ndundu J, Mbunzu D, Matala T, Punga AM, De Ridder D. Assessing quality of life in obstetric fistula patients: Validation of the urogenital distress inventory (UDI-6) and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (IIQ-7) in Lingala and Kikongo in DR Congo. Neurourol Urodyn. 2019 Sep;38(7):1994-2000. doi: 10.1002/nau.24105. Epub 2019 Jul 18. PMID: 31321812.
14.Loposso, M. N., Molua, A., Mbongo, D. M. M., Punga-Maole, A. M. L., Lufuma, S. L., & Loposso, M. N. (2019). Fracture du pénis de suite d’une consommation excessive d’alcool. Ann. Afr. Med, 12(2), e3266.
- LOPOSSO, Matthieu Nkumu, NDUNDU, Jean, MBUNZU, Dolores, et al. Assessing quality of life in obstetric fistula patients: Validation of the urogenital distress inventory (UDI‐6) and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (IIQ‐7) in Lingala and Kikongo in DR Congo. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2019, vol. 38, no 7, p. 1994-2000.
16 . Matthieu Marc Nkumu Loposso , Jean Paul Mokumo Esika , Justin Ngendjuu Bossa , Dieudonné Molamba Moningo , Augustin Mongalembe Punga-Maole , Pablo Nkutima Diangienda , Matalatala Kamey , Simon Lwa Nkandi Lufuma. Validation du score IIEF- 5 en Lingala, langue nationale parlée en République démocratique du Congo. Annales Africaines de Médecine. Ann. Afr. Med., vol. 13, n° 1, Décembre 2019
- Justin A. Bossa , Simon L. Lufuma , Dieudonné M. Moningo , Donatien B. Tshitala , Matthieu N. Loposso , Pablo N. Diangienda , Augustin ML.Punga. Utilité de la biopsie testiculaire dans le bilan de l’infertilité des couples. Ann. Afr. Med., vol. 11, n° 4, Sept. 2018.
- Dieudonné M. Moningo , Gracia M. Kashitu , Matthieu N. Loposso , Donatien B. Tshitala , Justin N. Bossa , Pablo N. Diangienda , Désiré K. Mashinda , SimonL . Lufuma , Augustin ML. Punga . Profil épidémiologique et évolutif des traumatismes de l’appareil urogénital de l’homme aux Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa Epidemiological and evolutionary profile of the male urogenital system traumas at the Kinshasa University Hospital. Ann. Afr. Med., vol. 11, n° 3, Juin 2018.
19.Loposso Nkumu, Matthieu Marc. "Advances in the management of Obstetric Fistulae." (2016).
20.Loposso M, Hakim L, Ndundu J, Lufuma S, Punga A, De Ridder D. Predictors of Recurrence and Successful Treatment Following Obstetric Fistula Surgery. Urology. 2016 Nov;97:80-85. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2016.03.079. Epub 2016 Aug 2. PMID: 27496296.
21.Loposso MN, Ndundu J, De Win G, Ost D, Punga AM, De Ridder D. Obstetric fistula in a district hospital in DR Congo: Fistula still occur despite access to caesarean section. Neurourol Urodyn. 2015 Jun;34(5):434-7. doi: 10.1002/nau.22601. Epub 2014 Apr 7. PMID: 24706479.
22.Mfutu, C. M., Sekele, J. P. I., Bushabu, F. N., Foche, A. B. N., Loposso, M. N., Kamangu, E. N., ... & Pakasa, N. M. Oral Cancer Lethality in the Dental Department of Kinshasa University Hospital, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
23.NKM, Loposso et al. Analyse rétrospective de l’oligoasthénotératospermie en milieu hospitalier de Kinshasa. Annales Africaines de Médecine, 2010, vol. 3, no 4, p. 582.
Fait à Kinshasa, le 19/03/2020
Matthieu Marc Loposso Nkumu
I finish my Phd in 2016, 22 november at Ku leuven I work in Kinshasa University hospital. I teach in Kinshasa University. I have my publication in international and local reviewer.