Moba Ndongila J1, Mafuta Tsisa A1, Moningo Molamba D1, Punga Maole Monga Lembe A1, Aliosha N2, Esika Mokumo J1, Lufuma Lwa Nkandi S1, Mobile K3, Loposso Nkumu M1, Diangienda Nkutima P1, De Ridder D4

Research Type


Abstract Category

Prostate Clinical / Surgical

Abstract 542
ePoster 8
Scientific Open Discussion Session 36
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Male Questionnaire
1. Kinshasa University Hospital, 2. Kinshasa University, 3. Clinique Ngaliema, 4. Katholieke University Leuven


Hypothesis / aims of study
Determining the predictive factors for the complications of TURP in patients followed for BPH and CAP.
Study design, materials and methods
This transversal, analytic and mono-centric study was conducted from June 2017 to June 2019. It included 65 patients who received TURP. The complications were classified according to Clavien Dindo and the quality of life was assessed by the IPSS index. Predictors of complications were identified in univariate and bivariate analysis.
Statistical analysis: After data collection; an initial quality control was carried out in the field to ensure the completeness, accuracy and reliability of the data.
A second consistency check of each file was carried out to report corrections to certain inconsistencies noted in order to guarantee validity of the results.
The data processing was done in several stages: - Manual examination of questionnaires; - Seizure; purification and encoding in Excel 2010; -The analysis was carried out on SPSS 22; 
 Descriptive phase: The descriptive analyzes performed are the mean and standard deviation for quantitative data with Gaussian distribution and the median with inter quartile space (EIQ), for data with non-Gaussian distribution, relative (%) and absolute (n) for categorical or qualitative data.
 Inferential phase: Pearson's chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test was performed to compare the percentages. Student's T test compared the means and Man Whitney's U test compared the medians. The Kaplan-Méier method was used to describe the incidence of complications during hospitalization. The log rank test was used to compare the curves.
The complications predictors  and poor quality of life were sought by Cox regression with calculation of Hazard ratio (HR) in order to determine the degree of risk.
For all the tests carried out, the value of p <0.05 was the threshold of statistical significance.
The mean age of the patients was 70.1 ± 6.3 years with 90.8% of married. 81.5% of our sample had university degree. Dysuria and nocturia were the main complaints at admission in 72.3% and 26.2%. Urine analysis identified Klebsiella Pneumoniae in 16.9% of cases. The anatomo-pathological analysis revealed prostatic carcinoma in 46% followed by HFLA associated with PIN 1-2 and chronic prostatitis in 28%. Postoperative complications were observed in 20% of cases including urinary incontinence in 46% and urinary retention in 39%. Complications were high beyond day 7 in 20% and most were classified Clavien IIIa in 30.8%. The identified predictors: urinary infection, HFLA PIN 1-2, prostatic carcinoma, transfusion and length of operation ≥ 120 minutes. Quality of life spoiled at patients with complications [OR 8.2] and at those with moderate to severe symptomatology [OR : 3.57].
Interpretation of results
urinary tract infection, intraoperative blood transfusions have emerged as predictors of complications after RTUP.
There was also a clear correlation between the IPSS score, post RTUP complications as well as quality of life
Concluding message
Urinary infection, high PIN grade, prostate carcinoma, per operatory blood transfusion and a long duration of the operation are complication predictors which all surgeons must take in account in the daily practice.
Figure 1
Funding None Clinical Trial Yes Public Registry No RCT Yes Subjects Human Ethics Committee Ethic comitee of medicine faculty of Kinshasa Helsinki Yes Informed Consent Yes
03/03/2025 18:54:38