Urinary incontinence in women who gave birth at least once, a descriptive study in a large African University hospital.

Loposso M1, Tshibi K1, Luzolo N1, Lufuma Lwa Nkandi S1, Punga Maole A1, Moningo D1, Diangienda P1, Esika J P1, Kangundia C1, Bossa J1, Derrider D2

Research Type


Abstract Category

Female Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) / Voiding Dysfunction

Abstract 333
Open Discussion ePosters
Scientific Open Discussion Session 21
Thursday 30th August 2018
13:20 - 13:25 (ePoster Station 2)
Exhibition Hall
Incontinence Stress Urinary Incontinence Mixed Urinary Incontinence Urgency/Frequency
1. Kinshasa University Hospital, 2. UZLEUVEN



Hypothesis / aims of study
To perform a descriptive study of  urinary incontinence  (socio- demographic profile, urinary incontinence type and management) at a large subsaharan African University Hospital.
Study design, materials and methods
Socio- demographic profile, urinary incontinence(UI) type and management has been determined in women who gave birth at least once. To determine  UI parameters, we used the Survey of urinary symptom profile (USP) developed by Association Française d’ Urologie(AFU). This survey contains 13 items (3 related to the stress urinary incontinence(SUI), 7 related to bladder overactivity and 3 related to dysuria). Statistical analysis : The data was entered using the Epi info 10.0 software. The data from descriptive analysis were summarized as frequency and percentage for qualitative  data and mean for quantitative data. Statical calculation were done using the Epi info and SPSS software. The proportion calculation was made by using the Chi square test.
A total of 131 womens were included in this study. The age of women varied between 20 to 72 years while the mean age was 41, 9 ± 10, 6 years ; 60 % of women were housewives ; 76, 3% of women were married. Mixed Urinary incontinence was most prevalent (52, 5%). Factors associated with UI were high blood pressure, diabetes,  chronic cough, twins births at 73,9% , 80%, 75 %, and 71, 4 % respectively.  All women who underwent hysterectomy and myomecomy reported UI. The score evaluated according to the USP had noted a majority of slight incontinence at 51, 2% while there was a lot of leakage during pregnancy.
Table I. UI  Types frequency in women who gave birth at least once                                                                                                                                                                         
UI Type	n	%
IUE	1	1,25
IUU	37	46,25
IUM	42	52,5
Total	80	100

Table II. Risk factors in women who gave birth at least once
Risks factors	UI	Total (131)
	No	YES	
	N	%	n	%	N	%
Tobaco	4	50	4	50	8	6,1
Highblood pressure	6	26	17	73,9	23	17,6
Diabetes	1	20	4	80	5	3,8
Chronic cough	1	25	3	75	4	3,1
Menopause	13	37	22	62,9	35	26,7
Twins birth	2	29	5	71,4	7	5,3
Cystectomy	4	40	6	60	10	7,6
Appendectomy	8	28	21	72,4	29	22,1
Myomectomy	0	0	2	100	2	1,5
Hysterectomy	0	0	1	100	1	0,8
Constipation	7	26	20	74,1	27	20,6
Uterine expression	14	30	32	69,6	46	35,1
   Table III. Risks and contributing factors in women who gave birth at least once        
Risks  and contributing factors	Urinary incontinence	Chi- Square
	No UI	IU	Total	
	N	%	N	%	n	%	
ATCD leaks during pregnancy	 	 	 	 	 	 	
Leaks	13	18,8	56	81,2	69	100	
No leaks	38	61,3	24	38,7	62	100	p=0,000
Total	51	38,9	80	61,1	131	100	
Primiparae	10	50	10	50	20	100	p=0,270
Multiparous	41	36,9	70	63,1	111	100	
Total	51	38,9	80	61,1	131	100	
Birth weight of the first childbirth(kg)
2500	2	13,3	13	86	15	100	p=0,60
2501 – 3999	44	44	56	56	100	100	
4000 et plus	5	31,2	11	68,8	16	100	
Total	51	38,9	80	61,1	131	100	

Table IV. Knowledge about pelvic floor therapy by women
Perineal reeducation (N=131)	n	%	
Knowledge about the perineal  muscles			
Yes	16	12,2	
No	115	87,8	
Knowledge about massage and pelvic exercice			
Yes	3	2,3	
No	128	97,7	
Women who benefited from pelvic exercise			
Have benefited	0	0	
Not having benefited	131	100
Interpretation of results
This study revealed a high incidence of UI in women after twins birth, or with diabetes, hypertension as well as for women who had hysterectomy or myomectomy in a large African city.
Concluding message
There is a need to integrate the global management of UI in care of patients and fundamental research. A poor knowledge of women on the management of this entity requires an improvement of information, education and communication in this part of Africa.
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Funding The authors has nothing to disclose. This research has been done at the end of University by one of my student. Clinical Trial Yes Public Registry No RCT No Subjects Human Ethics Committee Kinshasa University Ethcs Committee Helsinki Yes Informed Consent Yes
04/03/2025 08:01:25