A total of 131 womens were included in this study. The age of women varied between 20 to 72 years while the mean age was 41, 9 ± 10, 6 years ; 60 % of women were housewives ; 76, 3% of women were married. Mixed Urinary incontinence was most prevalent (52, 5%). Factors associated with UI were high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic cough, twins births at 73,9% , 80%, 75 %, and 71, 4 % respectively. All women who underwent hysterectomy and myomecomy reported UI. The score evaluated according to the USP had noted a majority of slight incontinence at 51, 2% while there was a lot of leakage during pregnancy.
Table I. UI Types frequency in women who gave birth at least once
UI Type n %
IUE 1 1,25
IUU 37 46,25
IUM 42 52,5
Total 80 100
Table II. Risk factors in women who gave birth at least once
Risks factors UI Total (131)
N % n % N %
Tobaco 4 50 4 50 8 6,1
Highblood pressure 6 26 17 73,9 23 17,6
Diabetes 1 20 4 80 5 3,8
Chronic cough 1 25 3 75 4 3,1
Menopause 13 37 22 62,9 35 26,7
Twins birth 2 29 5 71,4 7 5,3
Cystectomy 4 40 6 60 10 7,6
Appendectomy 8 28 21 72,4 29 22,1
Myomectomy 0 0 2 100 2 1,5
Hysterectomy 0 0 1 100 1 0,8
Constipation 7 26 20 74,1 27 20,6
Uterine expression 14 30 32 69,6 46 35,1
Table III. Risks and contributing factors in women who gave birth at least once
Risks and contributing factors Urinary incontinence Chi- Square
No UI IU Total
N % N % n %
ATCD leaks during pregnancy
Leaks 13 18,8 56 81,2 69 100
No leaks 38 61,3 24 38,7 62 100 p=0,000
Total 51 38,9 80 61,1 131 100
Primiparae 10 50 10 50 20 100 p=0,270
Multiparous 41 36,9 70 63,1 111 100
Total 51 38,9 80 61,1 131 100
Birth weight of the first childbirth(kg)
2500 2 13,3 13 86 15 100 p=0,60
2501 – 3999 44 44 56 56 100 100
4000 et plus 5 31,2 11 68,8 16 100
Total 51 38,9 80 61,1 131 100
Table IV. Knowledge about pelvic floor therapy by women
Perineal reeducation (N=131) n %
Knowledge about the perineal muscles
Yes 16 12,2
No 115 87,8
Knowledge about massage and pelvic exercice
Yes 3 2,3
No 128 97,7
Women who benefited from pelvic exercise
Have benefited 0 0
Not having benefited 131 100