The study was realised in 5 sites which organised the VVF campaign
The following interest variables were collected:
Sociodemographic Characteristics : age (year old), matrimonial status (maried, single, widow, divorcee), study level (Not registered at primary school , high school, university), profession, residence zone, distance between the hospital and the residence ; the first pregnance age, the first manstruation periode age, parity, gestity, abortion, the living children number.
- Clinical characteristics : VVF duration, VVF etiology, sexual intercourse with VVF, cure number, VVF classification according to GOH and Kees Waaldjik ; VVF dimension and location, Cough test and methylene blue test were realized at the end of its stay after bladder catheter ablation.
Confirmation VVF Test: methylene blue test or three swabs test.
Cough test and methylene blue test were realized at the end of its stay after bladder catheter ablation. Another patients global evaluation was realized by the local team in one month then two months post-operatory.
- Patients evolution : healing or complications (incontinence, fistula persistence).
Two classifications were used : GOH and KEES WAALDIJK classification
- Kees Waaldijk VVF Classification Type 1 : Distance between the external urethral meatus and distal fistula edge >4cm. Fistula which does not involve the closing mechanism. Type II : Fistula which involves the closing mechanism.
IIA : Distance between the external urethral meatus and distal fistula edge between 1-4cm. without atainment (sub-) total of urethra II Aa : No circumferential. IIAb : circumferential.
IIB : Distance between the external urethral meatus and distal fistula edge <1cm. With atainment (sub-)total of urethra IIB a : No circumferential. IIBb : circumferential.
III : Complex Fistulas. Diverse, eg. ureter-vaginal fistulas or exceptionnal ones.
Fistulas Dimensions : Small : inferior to 2 cm. Medium : 2-3 cm. Large : 4-5 cm.
Extensive : superior to 6 cm. The closing mecanism has the urethra and the bladder. The closing mecanism is measured at 3 cm from external urethral meatus.
- GOH Classification :
Type 1 : Distal edge of fistula > 3.5 cm from the external
Urinary meatus.
Type 2 : Distal edge of fistula > 2.5 à 3.5 cm from the external
Urinary meatus.
Type 3 : Distal edge of fistula 1.5- < 2.5 cm from the external
Urinary meatus .
Type 4 : Distal edge of fistula < 1.5 cm from the external urinary
Fibrosis and other factors :
Size : a : Size < 1.5 cm in the largest diameter. b : Size 1.5 – 3 cm in the largest diameter. c : Size > 3 cm in the largest diameter.
Scar and other factors :
i.None or only mild fibrosis (around fistula and /or vaginal length > 6 cm), normal capacity.
ii. Moderated or severe fibrosis( and /or reduced vaginal length and /or capacity.
iii. Special considerations, for example post-radiation, ureteric involvement, circonferential fistula, previous repair.
The operating technic was Doubling closure. For certain complicated cases, a shred of Martius Was used
All operated patients were classified according to the American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) I or II.
Statistical analysis
After encoding and data validation, those have been typed with a computer, by using the software EPI Data. After the validity, we have exported the database on SPSS software for Windows version 24.
Qualitative data have been represented in an absolute and relative frequency (%) and quantitative data under the averages form ± standard deviation (AND) ( if it was a normal distribution) and the median (extrems) (if the distribution was not normal). The normal distribution of each quantitative variable has been apreciated by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The Pearson Chi carré test or the Fischer exact have helped to compare the proportions. The Students t-test has served to compare the averages of two groups having normal distributions and the Mann Withney U test has compared the median’s two groups.
The logistical regression has been used in the answer analysis after treatment (evolution : good or bad), to look for the factors independently associated to the bad evolution with the odds ratio calculation with trust intervals to estimate the association degree. The p˂ 0/05 (5%) value has been considered as the statistic significance doorstep.