
Chapter 12: Surgery for Neurological Urinary Incontinence

ICI 7 draft reports are available to registered ICS 2021 delegates only.

Please register or sign in to proceed.

What you need to do!

During ICS 2021 Melbourne Online, 14–17 October
• Above you will find a preview presentation that summarises the content of the Chapter update for the ICI-7 publication.
• Exclusive to ICS 2021 Online registered delegates, we need you to view and comment on the content by 31 October. Use the comment functionality to leave your feedback or question.

ICI Live event, 6–9 November
• All 22 Chapter Committees will present a Live presentation and Q&A session. Join us live here!
• Delegates are encouraged to actively participate and comment during the live presentations.

Last chance to Comment - deadline 15 November
• Delegates will be able to view and comment on the ICI presentations up until 15 November. After this date comments will be closed, but all ICI presentation content will remain accessible.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity influence the creation of the next ICI book!

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