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ICS Background

Dr Noritoshi Sekido
Department of Urology, Toho University Medical Center Ohashi Hospital

ICS 2024

Open Discussion Session 108 Open Discussion ePosters 802 Epidemiology of co-existent overactive-underactive bladder (COUB) from results of the 2023 Japan Community Health Survey (JaCS 2023): its prevalence and impact on quality of life as well as health-care seeking behavior

ICS 2023

Open Discussion Session 10 Open Discussion ePosters 433 Patient reported outcomes by type of urinary catheter including Japanese reusable and intermittent balloon catheters in persons with spinal cord lesion

ICS 2022

Podium Short Oral Session 9 Female Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms 153 Association between pelvic organ mobility evaluated by dynamic magnetic resonance imaging and overactive bladder and/or voiding dysfunction

ICS 2021

Open Discussion Session 28 On Demand Pelvic Organ Prolapse 428 Is highly mobile bladder evaluated by dynamic magnetic resonance imaging associated with voiding dysfunction in patients with POP?

ICS 2020

Open Discussion Session 8 ePoster 2 102 Defective support for uterine cervix induces, and bladder descent worsens, overactive bladder.

ICS 2019

Open Discussion Session 31 E-Poster 3 670 Quality of life in patients with clean intermittent catheterization is similar to patients with spontaneous voiding in long term after radical hysterectomy

ICS 2018

Podium Short Oral Session 11 Basic Science: Neurourology 226 A novel EP2 and EP3 receptor dual agonist improves lower urinary tract function in a diabetic rat model of underactive bladder

ICS 2017

Non Discussion Abstract Session 41 Non Discussion Abstracts 992 Effects of a novel EP2 and 3 receptor dual agonist (ONO-8055) on bladder muscle strips from sham and lumbar canal stenosis rats and mRNA expression of EP receptors in these animals

ICS 2016

Open Discussion Session 27 Open Discussion ePosters 490 Effects of a novel EP2 and 3 receptor dual agonist (ONO-8055) on lower urinary tract function in normal rats

ICS 2015

Podium Session 12 Physiology and Pharmacology 189 The effect of a novel EP2 and EP3 receptor dual agonist, ONO-8055, on a neurogenic underactive bladder in a rat lumbar canal stenosis model

ICS 2014

Open Discussion Poster Session 35 Neurourology 521 Is there any difference in cystometric parameters in rat lumbar canal stenosis models with decreased, normal, or increased cystometric capacity?

ICS 2013

Non Discussion Abstract Session 35 Read By Title 716 Bladder and urethral function in an underactive bladder model: analysis using simultaneous vesical and urethral pressure monitoring as well as continuous cystometry in awake lumbar canal stenosis rats

ICS 2012

Podium Poster Session 6 Neurophysiology I 43 Cystometric analysis of effects on bladder function of alpha adrenoceptor antagonist or cholinesterase inhibitor in a novel animal model of underactive bladder

ICS 2011

Podium Poster Session 4 Neurourology 31 A novel animal model of underactive bladder: Analysis of lower urinary tract function in rat lumbar canal stenosis model


Non Discussion Poster Session 31 545 Neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunctions after spinal vascular diseases: urodynamic findings and lower urinary tract management

ICS 2009

Non Discussion Poster Session 32 444 The urodynamic score seems to be superior to the comparison between individual parameters of urodynamic findings in the prehension of the global image of patients with tethered cord syndrome

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Noritoshi Sekido

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