Means of vIPSS, Qmax, and PVR were 4.00 (3.88), 23.63 (12.53) mL/s, and 31.38 (48.38) mL, respectively. VD was found in 35.6%, 27.0%, and 22.6% of the patients, according to vIPSS5, Qmax15, and PVR50, respectively. As shown in Table 1, there was no statistically significant association between vIPSS, Qmax, and PVR. Among all examined associations between parameters on dMRI and VD, Table 2 shows the associations that had p<0.01. On vIPSS5, patients with VD had a more ventral position or movement of BN, B, C, and AR, longer iUSL and iCL, and smaller AUI compared with patients without VD. On Qmax15, patients with VD had a more ventral position of C, less caudal position or movement of AR, longer iCL, larger change in AVWL, and smaller PUVA. On PVR50, patients with VD had smaller PUVA as well as AUI.