A joint annual meeting of
InternationalContinence Society
John Heesakkers
ICS General Secretary
Yaser Saeedi
EUS PresidentMeeting Co-Chair
Sherif Mourad
Meeting Co-Chair
Yasser Farahat
Scientific Chair
Our international and multi-disciplinary panels will bring you the hottest topics and the latest research.
Christopher R ChappleChair, Urologist
Hashim HashimUrologist
Nadir OsmanSurgeon
Jean-Nicolas L CORNUUrologist
Joan OstaszkiewiczChair, nurse
Anita FrancisNurse
Paul van HoutenGeriatrician
Heidi FA Moossdorff-SteinhauserPhysiotherapist
Elisabeth UdierChair, Physiotherapist
Barbara Goedl-PurrerPhysiotherapist
Joanie MercierEarly Career Professional
Chantale L DumoulinPhysiotherapist
Cristine Homsi JorgePhysiotherapist
Jennifer KrugerChair, Clinical Scientist
Heidi Wendell BrownUrogynaecologist
John Eric JelovsekUrogynaecologist
E Jean C Hay-SmithPhysiotherapist
Lori A BirderChair, Neuroscientist
Pradeep TyagiPharmacologist
Karl-Erik AnderssonClinical Pharmacologist
Adrian Stuart WaggGeriatrician
Jennifer SouthgateResearch Scientist
Karl TamussinoChair, Gynaecologist
Heinz KoelblChair, Gynaecologist
Wendy F BowerChair, Physiotherapist
Karel CMM EveraertUrologist
Kathleen Frances HunterNurse
Chantale L DumoulinChair, Physiotherapist
Monika SillerPhysiotherapist
Paula Igualada MartinezICS Committee Chair
Marie-Eve ClermontUrogynaecologist
Robyn L'Estelle BrennenPhysiotherapist
Frank Van der AaChair, Urologist
Wilhelm A. HübnerUrologist
Vincent TseUrologist
Heather Lynn MokyPhysiotherapist
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