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Dr Heather Lynn Moky
University of Illinois

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Heather Moky

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Heather Moky-Cordova has been the pelvic health physical therapy coordinator at University of Illinois Hospital and adjunct faculty at UIC since 2011. Heather has been on various research, educational, and director boards for local, national, and international nonprofit organizations to increase awareness, education, treatment, and resources for practitioners and patience. She graduated from Shenandoah University (Winchester, Virginia) with her Master's of Physical Therapy in 2002, and 2005 with her Doctorate. Since that time, Heather has completed extensive coursework in both women's and men's public issues and pregnancy. She has acquired advanced skills such as dry needling, biofeedback including real-time ultrasound and visceral mobilization. The area of pelvic health physical therapy is a true passion for Heather.

Dr Heather Lynn Moky declared on the Monday 24th January 2022 that they did not have any existing or known future financial relationships or affiliations to disclose (NONE).