Gerold Link
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Open Discussion Session 28 On Demand Pelvic Organ Prolapse 438 What is the benefit of the perioperative measurement of serum creatinine in the early detection of ureteral obstruction after gynecologic surgery?
Open Discussion Session 25 Open Discussion ePoster 372 Does round ligament fixation in addition to a simplified uterosacral ligament suspension of the vaginal vault improve the functional outcome after vaginal hysterectomy in patients with pelvic organ prolapse?
Podium Poster Session 30 Miscellaneous III 290 The fat component of the urogenital diaphragm is an important determinant of the success of a conventional anterior wall repair.
Non Discussion Poster Session 19 569 Does the reconstruction of the urogenital diaphragm improve the success rate of the anterior colporrhaphy?
ICS Member (Expired)
Scientific Committee Member