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ICS Background

Irene Díez Itza
University Hospital Donostia

ICS 2024

es Podium Short Oral Session 5 Pregnancy 54 Stress urinary incontinence during pregnancy. Does maternal weight matter?

ICS 2020

Podium Session 16 Best Urogynaecology 227 Factors involved in prolapse recurrence one year after anterior vaginal repair

Podium Short Oral Session 6 Prolapse 68 Can we predict overactive bladder resolution after prolapse surgery?

ICS 2019

Podium Session 14 Best Urogynaecology 257 Factors involved in the persistence of stress urinary incontinence from postpartum period to 12 years after first delivery

ICS 2018

Podium Short Oral Session 23 Pelvic Organ Prolapse 446 Are there any anatomical findings to predict voiding disfunction symptoms in women with anterior compartment pelvic organ prolapse?

Podium Short Oral Session 33 Overactive Bladder 2 647 Understanding the relationship between anterior vaginal compartment prolapse and overactive bladder

ICS 2016

Open Discussion Session 7 Open Discussion ePosters 102 Influence of urethral kinking on OAB symptoms in patients with symptomatic anterior compartment prolapse

ICS 2014

Podium Poster Session 20 Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Women 1 326 Assessment of overactive bladder and urgency urinary incontinence six weeks after vaginal delivery

Podium Poster Session 23 Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery 368 Is there an association between urinary incontinence and depression in the postpartum period?

ICS 2013

Podium Poster Session 4 SUI, Treatment, QoL and Perspectives 17 Evaluating the results of stress urinary incontinence surgery with objective and subjective outcome measures.

Podium Poster Session 26 Epidemiology and Outcomes 2 241 Influence of urinary incontinence on postpartum depression and anxiety


Podium Poster Session 25 Pathophysiology and Quality of Life 229 Factors involved in stress urinary incontinence 2 years after first delivery

Podium Poster Session 5 Quality of Life and Miscellaneous 26 Influence of mode of delivery on urethral mobility six months postpartum

Non Discussion Poster Session 31 356 Efficacy of botulinum toxin-A for treating idiopathic bladder overactivity: patient reported outcomes

Non Discussion Poster Session 31 622 Factors involved in the deterioration of pelvic floor muscle contraction strength six months after first vaginal delivery

ICS 2009

Podium Poster Session 28 Pregnancy/Childbirth & Outcome 257 Influence of maternal weight in the persistence of pregnancy stress urinary incontinence one year after first delivery

ICS 2008

Podium Poster Session 10 Pregnancy & Childbirth 81 Influence of maternal weight in the new onset of stress urinary incontinence in pregnant women

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Irene Díez Itza

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