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ICS Background

Dr Baojun Gu
Shanghai sixth people's hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University

ICS 2024

Podium Short Oral Session 12 Pharmacology and Physiology 124 The serotonin 2A receptor is involved in the hypersensitivity of bladder afferent neurons in cyclophosphamide-induced cystitis

ICS 2022

Podium Short Oral Session 12 Biomechanics and Applied Science 201 Improvement of urethral dysfunction by 5-HT(1A) receptor agonist NLX-112 in diabetic rats

ICS 2019

Podium Short Oral Session 10 Neurourology and Interventions 212 Nerve growth factor-mediated Na+ channel plasticity of bladder afferent neurons in mice with spinal cord injury

ICS 2017

Non Discussion Abstract Session 41 Non Discussion Abstracts 1078 Superiority of different spinal nerve roots in neuromodulation of reflex bladder activity in rats

Open Discussion Session 9 Open Discussion ePosters 1 113 Chronic spinal cord injury causes up-regulation of serotonin (5-HT) 2A and 2C receptors in lumbosacral cord motoneurons

ICS 2016

Non Discussion Abstract Session 32 Non Discussion Abstracts 616 Involvement of 5-HT7 receptors in detrusor sphincter dyssnergia of chronic spinal cord injury rats

Non Discussion Abstract Session 32 Non Discussion Abstracts 814 Trans-obturator bulbourethral suspension for treatment of urinary incontinence after prostatectomy

ICS 2013

Non Discussion Poster Session 34 344 Improving voiding efficiency by the 5-HT2A/2C receptor agonist, DOI, on micturition in the diabetic rat

ICS 2012

Podium Poster Session 6 Neurophysiology I 44 Improving voiding efficiency in the SCI rat by a 5-HT7 serotonin receptor agonist

ICS 2011

Non Discussion Poster Session 29 530 Improving voiding efficiency in the diabetic rat by a 5 HT1A serotonin receptor agonist


Non Discussion Poster Session 31 430 Bulbourethral Composite Suspension for Treatment of Urinary Incontinence after Prostatectomy

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Baojun Gu

ICS Member (Expired)

Qualifications:PhD Staff Member Professor
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Sep , 1987 -- Jul , 1992 Hebei Medical University , China. graduated July ,1992
Mar, 1997 -- Feb, 1998 Department of Urology Shinshu University School of Medicine , Japan. as a special graduated student
Apr, 1998 -- Mar, 2001 Department of Urology Shinshu University School of Medicine , Japan. as a Ph. D. resercher
Apr, 2001 -- Mar, 2004 Department of Surgery, divsion of Urology, Duke University Medical Center, USA. as a research associate (post-doc).

Jul , 1992 – Mar, 1997 Department of Urology, The Second Hospital, Hebei Medical University, China. As a resident ( four years ) and a cheif resident ( one year )
Mar, 2004-- Dec, 2004 Department of Urology, Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. As a Assistant Professor.
Jan , 2005-- Dec,2012 Department of Urology, Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. As a Associate Professor.
Jan , 2013-- now Department of Urology, Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. As a Professor.