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Sthela Maria Murad-Regadas

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Sthela Murad-Regadas


Profession:Colorectal Surgeon
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Sthela Maria Murad-Regadas is an Associate Professor of Surgery, Medical School of the Federal University of Ceara. She is a Chairman of Colorectal Surgery at University Hospital and Head of the Anorectal Physiology and Pelvic Floor Unit, Sao Carlos Hospital, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. She was a past-President of the Brazilian Society of Coloproctology (2019-2020). She has experience with endoanal, endorectal, endovaginal, translabial, dynamic ultrasound, different techniques and probes to assess pelvic floor dysfunctions as well as benign and malignant anorectal disorders. She is specialized in pelvic floor dysfunctions and minimal invasive surgery to treat rectal prolapse, fecal incontinence and constipation. She works with pelvic floor group and is developing projects in pelvic floor dysfunctions as well as assessing patients before and after surgery with anal sphincter division.