Ranee Thakar is a Subspecialist in Urogynaecology and Consultant Obstetrician and
Gynaecologist at Croydon University Hospital, Croydon (UK) as well as a honorary
senior lecturer at St George’s University of London. She is currently the Honorary
Secretary of the British Society of Urogynaecology (BSUG).
She is a consultant in a busy tertiary referral centre with a large clinical workload,
dealing with complex urogynaecological problems, teaching medical students,
training junior doctors and undertaking clinical research. Her publications include
many original papers in peer review journals and chapters in books. She is the coeditor of the first comprehensive textbook on perineal and anal sphincter trauma.
Along with Abdul Sultan she runs the popular perineal repair courses. The unit is
recognised for subspecialty training in urogynaecology and runs an active research
Dr Ranee Thakar declared on the Wednesday 11th January 2017 that they had the following existing or known future financial relationships or affiliations: