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ICS Background

Dr Mehmet Gokhan Culha
University of Health Sciences, Okmeydani Training & Research Hospital

ICS 2024

Open Discussion Session 105 Open Discussion ePosters 561 Effectiveness of Mirabegron and Propiverine Combination in the Treatment of Overactive Bladder Resistant to Monotherapy

Open Discussion Session 108 Open Discussion ePosters 795 Examining the Effect of Measurements with a Three-Dimensional Sacral Bone Model on Treatment Success Before Sacral Neuromodulation Operation

ICS 2022

Podium Short Oral Session 25 Transgender Health & Sexual Dysfunction 417 Relationship Between Severity of Erectile Dysfunction and Systemic Immune Inflammation Index and Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio

Podium Short Oral Session 25 Transgender Health & Sexual Dysfunction 418 The Effect of Vitamin D Replacement in Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms/Erectile Dysfunction Resistant to Tadalafil 5mg Treatment

ICS 2021

Open Discussion Session 26 On Demand Overactive Bladder 377 Turkish Validity and Reliability of the Overactive Bladder-V3 (OAB-V3) Questionnaire and Evaluation of Bladder Training Response

ICS 2019

Open Discussion Session 7 E-Poster 1 152 3D printed real-time Sacral bone model for proper electrode implantation in sacral neuromodulation: A new technique for lead placement

Open Discussion Session 18 E-Poster 2 313 Outcomes of electrical stimulation therapy in addition to pharmacotherapy in female overactive bladder patients

Open Discussion Session 18 E-Poster 2 318 Turkish Validation of the Overactive Bladder Symptom Score (OABSS) and Evaluation of Mirabegron Treatment Response

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Mehmet Culha

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Qualifications:Staff Member
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