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ICS Background

Dr Mathijs de Rijk

ICS 2024

es Podium Short Oral Session 3 Neurological Signalling 30 GABAergic neurons in the periaqueductal gray are involved in the maintenance of continence

es Podium Short Oral Session 9 Neurobiology 88 Exploring the Effects of fMRI Scan Length on Brainstem Parcellations: Overactive Bladder Patients Versus Healthy Participants

es Podium Short Oral Session 9 Neurobiology 89 Assessment of Sacral Spinal Cord Activity Using 3T fMRI During Pelvic Floor Contractions

ICS 2023

Podium Short Oral Session 6 Overactive Bladder and Neuromodulation 34 Reported desire to void shows a direct relationship with voided volumes in healthy adults, but not in OAB patients

Podium Short Oral Session 7 Applied Neuroscience 40 Changes in brain stem functional connectivity patterns between the periaqueductal gray and pons related to bladder sensations

ICS 2022

Open Discussion Session 18 Open Discussion ePosters 264 Implantation of an intravesical balloon absorbs increases in intra-abdominal pressure and reduces complaints of stress urinary incontinence, a video urodynamic study

Open Discussion Session 30 Open Discussion ePosters 477 Unraveling functional organization related to visceroceptive processing in the periaqueductal gray

Podium Short Oral Session 33 The Best of the Rest in Science 512 Aging results in reduced sensory innervation of the bladder trigone in rats

ICS 2021

Open Discussion Session 19 On Demand Geriatrics / Gerontology 242 Increased oxidative stress with age negatively impacts the urinary bladder urothelium

ICS 2020

Podium Short Oral Session 14 Functional and Morphological Investigations 204 Parcellation of functional clusters within the human periaqueductal gray at 7T fMRI in full and empty bladder state

Open Discussion Session 8 ePoster 2 96 Implantation of an intravesical balloon increases bladder mobility and reduces complaints of stress urinary incontinence, a video urodynamic study.

ICS 2019

Podium Short Oral Session 3 Novel Techniques and Approaches in Basic Science 28 A new approach in the study of dynamic connectivity changes in the periaqueductal gray related to subjective sensations during a bladder filling protocol using ultra high-field 7T fMRI

ICS 2018

Podium Short Oral Session 16 Female Incontinence 280 Physiological mechanisms underlying the effectivity of an intravesical balloon as therapy for stress urinary incontinence

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Mathijs de Rijk

ICS Member

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Dr Mathijs de Rijk declared on the Monday 27th February 2023 that they did not have any existing or known future financial relationships or affiliations to disclose (NONE).