Jordi Sabadell
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Podium Short Oral Session 12 Pharmacology and Physiology 120 Extracellular stiffness modulates fibroblast extracellular matrix remodeling pathways in Pelvic Organ Prolapse.
Podium Short Oral Session 1 Female Stress Urinary Incontinence 4 Long-term outcomes of Polyvinylidene fluoride and Polypropylene transobturator-suburethral tapes: interim analysis from a multicentre randomized trial.
Podium Short Oral Session 6 Pelvic Organ Prolapse 76 Differential interaction between vaginal fibroblasts and polypropylene from prolapse and healthy controls and the effect of material’s surface modifications.
Open Discussion Session 7 E-Poster 1 128 Long-term outcomes of the Ajust™ single-incision sling compared to the Align™ transobturator tape: a secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial.
Open Discussion Session 19 Open Discussion ePosters 2 392 Comparison of the efficacy and safety of polyvinylidene fluoride and polypropylene transobturator tapes: mid-term results from a cohort study.
ICS Member (Expired)
Scientific Committee Member