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ICS Background

Dr Tomohiro Matsuo
Department of Urology, Nagasaki University School of Medicine

ICS 2024

es Podium Short Oral Session 21 Overactive Bladder: Pharmacotherapy and Patient Phenotyping 221 Urinary Na/K ratio as a predictive tool in diagnosing overactive bladder

es Podium Short Oral Session 21 Overactive Bladder: Pharmacotherapy and Patient Phenotyping 222 Relationship between salt intake and overactive bladder

ICS 2023

Open Discussion Session 10 Open Discussion ePosters 421 Effect of Japanese traditional medicine in patients with nocturia due to sleep disturbance

ICS 2022

Open Discussion Session 22 Open Discussion ePosters 320 Efficacy of adding mirabegron after the administration of urapidil on lower urinary tract symptoms in women with overactive bladder symptoms

Open Discussion Session 34 Open Discussion ePosters 571 Quality of life of patients undergoing clean intermittent self-catheterization with hydrophilic-coated catheters is better than that of patients using disposable catheters without hydrophilic coating

ICS 2021

Open Discussion Session 26 On Demand Overactive Bladder 392 Relationship between the presence or absence of earlobe crease and overactive bladder

Open Discussion Session 26 On Demand Overactive Bladder 403 Effects of Overactive Bladder Drugs on Elimination – Mirabegron vs Fesoterodine vs Solifenacin

ICS 2020

Podium Short Oral Session 5 OAB: Neuromodulation and Unusual Associations 53 Association between tooth loss due to chronic periodontitis and overactive bladder

Open Discussion Session 8 ePoster 2 85 Significant correlation between overactive bladder symptom severity and bone fracture risk

ICS 2019

Open Discussion Session 18 E-Poster 2 304 The effects of visceral fat amount and psoas major muscle volume on lower urinary tract symptoms

Open Discussion Session 18 E-Poster 2 317 Effect of Salt Intake Reduction on Overactive Bladder

ICS 2018

Podium Short Oral Session 15 Overactive Bladder 1 269 Relationship between excess visceral fat accumulation and the development and severity of overactive bladder

Podium Short Oral Session 29 Interstitial Cystitis / Bladder Pain Syndrome 2 610 Possible usefulness of blood inflammatory marker C-reactive Protein as a biomarker for Hunner lesions in interstitial cystitis

Podium Short Oral Session 33 Overactive Bladder 2 648 Efficacy of tadalafil monotherapy and associations between changes in subjective overactive bladder symptoms and changes in oxidative stress in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms

ICS 2017

Podium Short Oral Session 13 Pelvic Pain 251 Significance of C-reactive protein an inflammatory marker in interstitial cystitis

Podium Short Oral Session 29 Urethra and Nocturia 517 Influence of amount of urinary calcium excretion in adults on urinary symptoms including nocturia

Podium Short Oral Session 29 Urethra and Nocturia 518 Can salt intake restriction be one of the treatment options for nocturia?

ICS 2016

Open Discussion Session 19 Open Discussion ePosters 363 The measurement of vaginal pressure and transversus abdominis muscle thickness may be a predictor for pelvic organ prolapse

Non Discussion Abstract Session 32 Non Discussion Abstracts 851 The efficacy of Yokukansan, Japanese traditional herbal medicine, on nocturia due to night-time awakening

ICS 2015

Open Discussion Session 25 Open Discussion ePoster 381 The usefulness of ultrasound measurements of transverse abdominal muscle thickness in patients with pelvic organ prolapse

Podium Session 2 Nocturia Effects of daily salt intake on urinary symptoms: a comparison between patients with hypertension and normal blood pressure

ICS 2014

Open Discussion Poster Session 11 Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Women 116 Preoperative measurement of the bladder wall thickness may be useful to predict postoperative improvement of overactive bladder symptoms in patients with overactive bladder associated with pelvic organ prolapse.

Open Discussion Poster Session 37 Pharmacology 573 Oral administration of prosultiamine improved the symptoms in patients with overactive bladder associated with HTLV-1-related myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis, and also reduced urinary biomarkers.

ICS 2013

Non Discussion Poster Session 34 575 The influence of administration of a1-adrenergic receptor antagonist (urapidil) on oral dryness in female patients with urinary disorders

Non Discussion Abstract Session 35 Read By Title 693 Questionnaire survey on possible oral dryness for comparisons among three a1-adrenergic receptor antagonists (naftopidil vs. tamsulosin vs. silodosin)

Non Discussion Abstract Session 35 Read By Title 696 Administration of prosultiamine for HTLV-1-associated myelopathy may improve not only voiding symptoms but also storage symptoms by decreasing urinary nerve growth factor levels

ICS 2012

Podium Poster Session 11 Rehabilitation and Conservative Treatments I 113 Nocturnal catheterization in patients with clean intermittent catheterization impairs their quality of life and is associated with sleep disorder

Podium Poster Session 23 Neurourology: Clinical III 204 New Treatment Strategy for Neurogenic Bladder in Patients with HTLV-1-associated Myelopathy

ICS 2011

Non Discussion Poster Session 29 298 Symptoms of Urination Are Unlikely to Alleviate Even after Transurethral Prostatectomy in BPH/LUTS Patients with Urinary Bladder Weight of 65 g or more

Non Discussion Poster Session 29 305 Evaluation of Clinical Efficacy of Naftopidil in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Switching from alpha1A Receptor Blocker in Poor Responders

Non Discussion Abstract Session 31 Read by Title 641 Evaluation of Combination Therapy (75 mg/day Naftopidil plus 30 mg/day Urapidil) in Patients with BPH/LUTS Poorly Responding to alpha1 Blocker Monotherapy

Tomohiro Matsuo

ICS Member

Profession:Clinical Researcher
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