John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

28 - 31 August

Philadelphia, United States





ICS 2018


Get your credits here!

On behalf of the ICS Board I would like to thank Alan Wein, Diane Newman, Roger Dmochowski and Lori Birder and the whole local organising committee for inviting us to Philadelphia and showing us what the city of brotherly love has to offer. We have enjoyed an excellent scientific programme and a most hospitable city. We have had in excess of 1500 delegates which we are very proud of.

We have had some fantastic state of the art sessions including Lower Urinary Tract Sensation - voiding with feeling and the Future of Electroceuticals. The round tables were full and symposiums busy. We hope you also enjoyed the social events which the local committee worked really hard to make a success.

A special thank you to those of you who took the time to submit an abstract or workshop application. Without our scientific programme, workshop presenters and chairs there would be no meeting. We hope that you felt the meeting was beneficial and that you will consider submitting or attending again in the future.

The Board are keen to receive your feedback on the meeting, and this can be provided at the evaluation survey here. You will also receive your certificate of attendance at the end of the evaluation.

Next year's meeting will take place on 3-6th September 2019 in Gothenburg, Sweden. We sincerely hope you will attend what promises to be a most unique Annual Scientific Meeting.

Workshop application submission opens 1st November, closing on 3rd January 2019. Abstract submissions open on 1st March 2019 and closes on 1st April 2019. For more information on ICS 2019 or how to submit your workshop/abstract then please see the ICS website:

ICS 2019

ICS General Secretary

21/03/2025 19:33:52  2353
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