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ICS Nursing Committee - Opportunity for Doctoral Nursing Students

Tuesday 26 Feb 2019 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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The Nursing Committee is interested in appointing a doctoral student in nursing with a focus on incontinence in their early career as a co-opted member of the Nursing Committee.

The co-opted committee position is an appointment by the committee chair and is not an official committee position; therefore the individual in this position cannot vote on committee matters. The aims of this co-opted appointment is to introduce the student to ICS Nursing Committee activities and to mentor them in professional committee work and networking with leaders in the field. The committee will be inviting applications form ICS nurses who are doctoral students after the applications for official Committee positions is competed.

Selection Criteria

• Is undertaking doctoral studies e.g. PhD, DNP, EdD and in good standing as part of a program at recognised university of higher education
• Holds registered nurse status
• Willingness to work with other members of the nursing committee on committee activities
• Is an ICS member (at least student membership)
• Dissertation/thesis/clinical project addresses an incontinence related problem
• Relevant experience (clinical, teaching, research etc)
• Positive letter of recommendation from faculty advisor

Applications opens on 1st April 2019, should you meet the above points, please complete the application form and return it to the ICS office by 1st May.

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