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In Memory of Stuart Stanton

Friday 04 Oct 2024 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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Following the recent passing of Stuart Stanton, the ICS would like to issue a tribute to our esteemed founding member.

Stuart Stanton was a founding member of both International Continence Society (ICS) in Exeter in 1971 and the International Urogynecology Association (IUGA) in 1975. He was actively involved in the ICS, particularly its committees, including Standardisation committees, as he believed that good science and the associated research were vital for the development of urogynaecology. He convened a very successful Annual ICS Scientific meeting in London in 1985.

Stuart trained in obstetrics and gynaecology at St Georges Hospital London in 1974 and worked as a research fellow in the Institute of Urology in London in 1971-2. He subsequently became a consultant at St Georges Hospital and developed a urogynaecology service. Under the influence of Richard Turner Warwick, he learnt the Burch colposuspension which was originally described by the American gynaecologist John Burch, itself a modification of the Marshall Marchetti Kranz procedure a retropubic urethropexy. His research and influence popularised this surgery so that it became the most popular procedure for urinary stress incontinence worldwide during the 1970s -1990s. His urogynecology department did groundbreaking research in female urinary incontinence and pelvic floor disorders and attracted trainees from the UK and worldwide. His trainees have now gone on to develop their own departments and research programmes to the benefit of urogynaecology worldwide.

His trainees remember their time with Stuart very fondly. He was a very dedicated hard working and loyal mentor but certainly could be demanding, expecting high standards and productivity, being described by one now eminent past-trainee as his 'mentor and tormentor'. However it was his humanity, inquiring mind and sense of humour and fun many remember. The operating theatre was always a lively place where surgical dedication was combined with innovation and opinions shared; usually on first name basis for all and typically with many observers. I think his department was the template on which many of us, his trainees, developed our own subspecialty units.

Stuart, who was Jewish, moved to Jerusalem in later life where he continue to work in medicine, having trained many Israeli gynaecologists in London; regularly coming back to London to visit family. He passed away in Jerusalem on 21 May 2024 after a short illness, surrounded by his family.

Professor Peter Dwyer OAM FRACOG FRCOG CU
Urogynaecology Department - Mercy Hospital for Women Heidelberg
University of Melbourne

📷 Professor Stuart Stanton with his trainees and nursing staff, including Peter Dwyer, operating at St Helier’s Hospital Surrey performing a Burch Colposuspension in 1982

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