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Discover What Awaits Urologists at ICS 2024

Friday 12 Jul 2024 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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Urology Sessions at a Glance

ICS 2024 Madrid contains multiple sessions dedicated to Urology-related topics that should be the reason for Urologists to attend and get information about the latest developments.

We have pulled together the most relevant sessions for your profession, to help you navigate the through the programme and get the most out of the meeting!


On Wednesday the 23th, Urologists may attend the State of the Art Lecture on male LUTS and the prostate “How Do Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Guide our Management of Benign Prostatic Obstruction” by Paul Abrams (19.00).

The Lecture will be the perfect complement to the morning Round Table “Treatment of Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: Are We in a New Era? (10.30) where eminent urologists will critically evaluate the new minimal invasive treatments, the value of preservation of ejaculation for treatment selection and why so many patients remain on pharmacotherapy after benign prostate surgery.

Still on Wednesday, there is the Round Table Discussion at 14.00 on consequences of cancer treatment for pelvic floor function in females and males where conservative forms of management will be addressed.

Two podium sessions will also be interesting for urologists, one about male LUTS (14.00) and another about the management of female stress urinary incontinence (8.30).


On Thursday, urologists are invited to attend the State of the Art Lecture “European Union Continence Strategy” (9.00) by Philip van Kerrebroek.

Urologists are also invited to attend two important podium sessions. One will deal with Male Incontinence: What is in the Pipeline for Postprostatectomy Incontinence(11.30), where the most recent advances in the continence devices will be presented. In the other; “Refractory Overactive Bladder: Neuromodulation and Botulinum” (15.00), the most recent advances in the neuromodulation therapy will be the main topic.

For urologists interested in updating their knowledge on urodynamics and laparoscopic pelvic floor surgery, they are invited to attend workshops at 17.00.

On Friday, in the podium session “Overactive Bladder: Pharmacotherapy and Patient Phenotyping” (9.00) papers about new clinical trials on pharmacotherapy and the importance of a personalised treatment for OAB patients will be presented.

Thus, the programme for ICS 2024 in Madrid is full of interesting sessions that will be relevant for the urological practice.


Why not browse the programme to make sure you don’t miss anything?! Click on a session to open up the full details, including speakers and objectives of the session. You can also use the filter and search function to find a specific faculty or topic that particularly interests you.

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