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ICS Observership in Practice

Friday 21 Apr 2023 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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ICS Observerships (previously known as Fellowships) are designed for candidates to learn from experts in their fields at an international centre of excellence; equipping continence specialists with a range of opportunities to gain specialist bladder/bowel/sexual function skills in research, clinical practice or education.

Julián Azuero recently took part in this scheme, successfully achieving a Fellowship award with Prof. Kessler at an ICS Host Centre, Balgrist University Hospital, in Zurich, Switzerland. Keen to combine an interest in voiding dysfunction and neurourology – a specialty not afforded to Julián in his home country of Colombia, despite the prevalence of the dysfunction – Julián opted for Prof. Kessler’s Host Centre due to the Neurourology department’s area of expertise, including their Spinal Cord Injury Centre.

Views on an Observership
Expectations were high, Julián wanted to attain experience of the day-to-day running of a Neurourology department, including how it is organised and who makes up the department. A warm welcome was received from the whole team and Julián was impressed by the facilities available, including what the Centre was able to offer its patients. The Host Centre proved to be a great place to learn, lending itself well to team-wide discussions on the best form of treatment and diagnoses, and due to the range of conditions which presented themselves.

“It has been a time of much learning from everyone in the team, from nursing, through residents, consultants, senior consultants and head physicians and also from the surgical team”.

The experience also inspired new ideas and areas of development for Julián to move forward with. He is already liaising with hospital directors at Fundación Santa Fe, Colombia to expedite the set-up of a Neuro-urology unit.

“It was clear to me, but now even more so, that it is a necessity to offer more and better health for Colombia and the region”.

“I encourage applicants to take advantage of the opportunity offered by ICS and Pfizer for training with professors of great scientific and human quality, such as Prof. Kessler”.

Interested in an Observership?

For further information on ICS Observerships, and how to apply, please visit ICS | Observerships

All applications must be submitted by 1st May 2023.

Become a Host Centre

Offering observership places at your institution, by becoming a centre of excellence, showcases your expertise in your field and brings enthusiastic members to your team, eager to share knowledge around the world.

To offer your institution as a host (available to Neurourology centres only) please click here for the application form

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