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New dates confirmed for the ICS Advanced Training Weekend

Monday 02 Nov 2020 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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The ICS Faculty are now confirmed for the Advanced Training Weekend which will take place in Bristol, 12-13th June 2021.

This Urinary Incontinence surgical training weekend, is a unique opportunity to acquire exposure to a range of training and surgical techniques surrounding stress and urgency urinary incontinence.

The programme covers anti-incontinent procedures for mesh placement and how to remove mesh. As well as training in other relevant procedures, such as Colposuspension/Autologous Sling, Artificial Urinary Sphincter placement, Sacral Neuromodulation, plus hands on Botulinum Toxin Type A in the Bladder. Theory and practical on dummies, including drawing up and injecting using flexible and rigid cystoscopy, augmentation cystoplasty/mitrofanoff.

You will have several hours of practice on the fresh frozen cadavers and receive intensive training in a range of techniques and operations, as noted above. Our expert ICS faculty will be there to support you all weekend, along with evidence-based theory and surgical videos. Plus, you will earn CME credits for attending!

Bristol is very easy to travel from/to and the facilities at the Vesalius Clinical Training Unit, within the University of Bristol, are first class. This centre is renowned for its high standards! Attached to the centre’s surgical training facilities is the supporting lecture theatre, meaning delegates can easily transition between the two rooms, maximising their time training.

Delegates can choose to attend both days or a single day (either Saturday or Sunday) depending on their chosen topics. To attend both days the cost is £1000, otherwise its £650 per day. Please note you need to be an ICS member to register for this event.

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