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Apply Now! New working group ICS Standard Good Urodynamic Practices – Pressure Flow Analysis

Tuesday 17 Dec 2019 {{NI.ViewCount}} Views {{NI.ViewCount}} Views

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The ICS Institute of Urodynamics, steered by the ICS Standardisation Steering Committee, is planning to develop an ICS Standardisation of Pressure Flow analysis in Clinical Practice document.

This document will be a follow up of the ICS Good Urodynamic Practices document. The 2021 ICS Standard Good Urodynamic Practices –Pressure Flow Analysis will provide detailed recommendations for grading of bladder outflow obstruction of men, women and children as well as for (all) patients with neurogenic dysfunction. Also included will be the standardised methods for grading (quantifying) of detrusor voiding contraction (and or –contractility), as well as the methods for evaluating voiding efficacy.

I cordially invite members of our society to join the working group. This will be an 18 month project aiming to result in expert consensus about pressure flow analysis for adult (persons -in research- and) patients of both gender. The ICS strives for a diverse medical background in every working group therefore, nurses, urodynamicists, gynaecologists, urologists and engineers are specifically invited.

The Standardisation Steering Committee will select the final working group members, with an aim to start work in March 2020.

Deadline: Extended until 19th January 2020

Submission of Applications: Please send a short CV (no more than 3 pages) with a covering statement explaining why you wish to apply for this position to the ICS Office: A statement template is available to download here.

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