John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

ICS Education (3-Part) Module


Gold standard content

In developing these high quality global educational modules, the ICS seeks to define standards and competencies in healthcare education along the lines of a core curriculum. They are directed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge among interdisciplinary health programmes, addressing the needs of clinicians, students, educators, and trainees as they gain knowledge representing the standards in their field.

The Educational Modules consist of:

  1. A peer reviewed published article in Continence.
  2. A studio quality video and
  3. An official ICS-consensus PowerPoint (available for download)

The outcome of these modules is that educators around the world can download the ICS module and present to their students/colleagues. It is also expected that once subject modules are in existence, when an ICS speaker is invited to speak at an educational course or guest lecture, the educational modules are used to provide the standardised ICS educational content.

The paper sent to Continence should be a systematic review of the content. In order to preserve the integrity of the peer review process of Continence while allowing fast track publishing of ICS modules, the content of both the manuscript and the PowerPoint slides should be reviewed and approved in accordance with the procedure indicated in this document.
This document has been created to assist those Working /Committee groups who wish to create a module for the ICS and to ensure adherence with the approved process.

The final product will have clearly outlined learning objectives at the beginning and contain:
• Peer reviewed paper published in Continence
• Studio quality video demonstrating/explaining key issues and/or techniques—goes beyond paper to increase depth of learning.
• Official ICS consensus PowerPoint presentation.

The entire module could be used by an individual learning online or as part of a course for students directed by a mentor.

Creation of Working/Committees
Please follow the SOP for creation of a working group here.

Creating Content Guidelines

  • The working group should review the guidelines for preparing the online content.
  • All external content (published images, videos etc) should be referenced and used only with the permission of the publishers. No conflict of interest or brand names should be included.
  • It is recommended that the module is presented to an audience at the annual meeting for feedback before it is recorded and where possible before the manuscript is sent for publication.
  • ICS standard terminology should be used throughout.
  • Note the lead of the group does not need to be the person who records the video.
  • The presenter must ensure that he or she can be clearly understood to an international audience, e.g. clear speech, free of strong accent, speaking at an understandable pace

Disclosure and sponsorship guidelines
Please follow the ICS SOP for Disclosure and sponsorship when creating content here

Meeting Support

  • The ICS will not provide financial support for face to face meetings of any group preparing educational content but will consider budget proposals for economy travel to video the content.
  • The ICS office will assist with setting up a forum for the group to exchange ideas and content for review. The office can also offer facilities for a Zoom or Teams meeting, upon approval of the project by the ICS Board.

Normally, a timeline from inception to completion should not be more than 12-18 months.

Educational Module creation procedure

Stage Action Comment
Proposal Stage Creation of committee/working group/individual to prepare proposal. This can be a committee that has decided to prepare a module or a group of ICS members.
Proposal Stage Proposal format is according to the ICS Content Proposal Form Budget and proposal is sent to ICS office. Proposal should explain the content in no more than 2 pages outlining the aims and objectives, learning outcomes, target audience and requirement for content. 3-4 independent reviewers should also be requested at this stage for approval, selected by the first author. These reviewers are notified that they have been selected by the office. It is acceptable to ask for recommendations for reviewers and unlike standard academic review, it is acceptable to involve the independent reviewers for input early in the process. Budget help will only cover the costs of filming and editing costs as well as modest travel expenses for same. Budget can be prepared in conjunction with ICS Office who can assist with the best way to record the module. ICS Office will ensure no overlap with other working groups and will advise the appropriate committee. ICS office to notify Board of Trustees, Education, Standardisation Committee, and Relevant Committees as well as the independent reviewers of proposal in progress. Feedback will be provided to the working group including suggested resources or critique. Any budget is to be approved by Board of Trustees
Preparatory Stage Working group prepares content and where relevant reviews the literature and prepares the manuscript. Where relevant a DELPHI system and ‘PRISMA -checklist/guidelines’ should be used. Office will assist with creating online fora for easy discussion and monitoring/chasing if required.
Content Review Stage Manuscript and slide set is sent to the 3-4 independent ICS experts. The independent reviewers are to provide constructive feedback to the authors. This feedback will need to be seriously considered and incorporated into the manuscript where appropriate. If possible, the slides are presented at an ICS Annual meeting for feedback. Board of Trustees are also invited to comment at this stage on the content The experts should respond within 3 weeks with appropriate feedback.
Final Review Stage The final revised manuscript and slide set are sent to the Education, Standardisation Steering Committee, and any relevant ICS Committee. It should be noted that the Education and Standardisation committees are not commenting on the content of the module but are reviewing for educational value and terminology adherence. These Committees should respond within 2 weeks.
Sign off The Board of Trustees are to have final review and sign off. The Board of Trustees should sign off within 1 week or advise of any final adjustments needed.
Publication Stage Once approved, the manuscript can be sent for publication in the ICS journal Continence. ICS must be referenced in the submission title. Article submitted to Continence should clearly reference International Continence Society (ICS) Educational Module.
Videoing Stage Once the manuscript has been accepted the PowerPoint slides are finalised and video recording will be completed in conjunction with the ICS office.
Implementation Stage Once completed the ICS office will disseminate the content via the ICS website, Institute, ICS TV, member emails, social media and other outlets.
Future ICS Talks Future ICS talks on the subject of the module must use the ICS slides. Speaker may add slides with approval from the first author. The full set of ICS Educational modules can be found here First author or delegate must approve any slides faculty would like to add to the talk.

Standard text for title of report for submission to Continence.
• ICS Educational Module: [Title]: from the XXXX Committee of the International Continence Society
• ICS Educational Module: [Title]: from the XXXX Working Group of the International Continence Society

ICS Education Module PowerPoint Template & Guidelines

28/01/2025 12:26:35  15222
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