John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

Annual Meeting Content


This explains the process of preparing content presented in various formats at the annual meeting to be hosted on the ICS website.

Type Detail
State of the Art/ Round Tables The State of the Art lecturers and Round Tables title/content is decided on by the Local Organising Committee and specifically the Annual Scientific Chair. The list of suggested names/content is sent to the elected Scientific Chair and Board of Trustees to confirm final selection.
Workshops All workshops are submitted by ICS members via the ICS website. The Education Committee scores all workshops in accordance with the review guidelines and then a meeting is held (inviting the Scientific Chair) to confirm final selection.
Abstract All abstracts are submitted via the ICS website. The Scientific Committee and additional selected individuals score all abstracts in accordance with the review guidelines and then a meeting is held to confirm final selection. The ICS office prepares and type sets the abstracts to be sent to Continence for publication.
Symposiums All symposium programmes are proposed by the company involved and are forwarded via the ICS office to the Annual Scientific and Scientific Chair for approval. The Annual Meeting Chair cannot Chair a symposium.
Any other session Other sessions are prepared by the ICS office and relevant committees and working groups. These sessions are checked by the Education and Scientific Committee and the Board of Trustees.

General Information

  • The presenter(s) must be an ICS member(s) or annual meeting delegate. On exception the State of the Art and Round Table speakers may be external and not a delegate or member. This would require prior approval from the Board of Trustees as a budget for travel is normally required.
  • All content at the annual meeting is captured by the ICS office. Abstracts, ePosters and workshop handouts/slides are added to the ICS website by the ICS office. Any filmed content is then edited and added to the ICS website as webcasts post-event. Presenters give permission for filming and dissemination upon acceptance of offer to present.
  • All content post-annual meeting is reviewed by the Education Committee and allocated to School(s).
  • Dispute of Content: If any ICS Online Educational Content including ASM is of concerning quality or ethics to the point that the observer believes it needs to be removed from ICS TV, any member may propose to have it removed. This will be approved by the Education Committee if content is in question and IT for technical quality. If unsatisfactory resolution, then Board of Trustee, Letter to Editor of Continence if Concerning Publication therein, Ethics Committee if Ethical Concern, and Original Approving Bodies. The creator of the content must be notified of removal and appeals may be made to the Board of Trustees, who can appoint Committees and reviewers to address.
15/02/2025 16:45:26  15231
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