11 - 12 March 2013

Valencia, Venezuela





Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Venezuela: A Multi-disciplinary Approach


The ICS in conjunction with the National congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics Venezuelan Society will be hosting a two day education course in Valencia. The course will take place between 11-12th March 2013 and will be held at the World trade Centre of Valencia.

The local coordinators are Ricardo Blanch and Alberto Gonzales and the ICS coordinator is Diaa Rizk.

The ICS speakers for this event are Diaa Rizk, Katherine Moore and Sophie Fletcher. The topics that they will be discussing are below:****

Diaa Rizk;

·       The Female Pelvic Floor during Pregnancy and Childbirth
·       The modern assessment and classification of POP
·       Evidence-based surgical management of POP, Traditional Repair
·       Cultural differences in the perceptions, experiences and consequences of female UI
·       Female Stress UI

Katherine Moore;**

·       Risk factors and assessment of Mixed UI in women
·     Conservative management of stress and mixed urinary incontinence

Sophie Fletcher;**

·       Management of Special Cases of POP

·       Female Voiding Dysfunction
·       Epidemiology of Female UI
·       Evidence-based surgical management of female Stress UI
·       Anti-incontinence Sling Procedures in women: What sling in which patient?

For more information please see the below link entitled Course Information for a copy of the event programme.

For more information please contact Alberto Gonzalez; albertoernest@gmail.com or Diaa Rizk; rizk.diaa@gmail.com. For general enquiries regarding the course please email; sogvzla.adm@gmail.com

Alternatively please contact the Jenny at the ICS office; Jenny@icsoffice.org


26/09/2024 22:07:47  1436
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