Chendrimada Madhu: Anatomy of the pelvis and pelvic floor


Watch the latest ICS video from the 2018 Advanced Training Weekend in Bristol. These videos are the lectures provided to the delegates before they spend time in the cadaver lab undertaking training and surgical techniques surrounding stress and urgency urinary incontinence. The next training weekend will be 5th-6th October 2019 and there are still a few places left so secure your spot now.

The video playlist includes:

  • Chendrimada Madhu: Anatomy of the pelvis and pelvic floor
  • Marcus Drake: Terminology, Diagnosis & Treatment including pelvic floor physiotherapy
  • Jen Pinkstone : Terminology, Diagnosis & Treatment including pelvic floor physiotherapy
  • Hashim Hashim: Overactive Bladder Diagnosis & Treatment

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11/07/2024 21:05:18  15675
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