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ICS Recognised Courses

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ICS Recognised Courses

This process is currently under review. Before starting an application, please notify the ICS Office.

The ICS acknowledges that there are courses run internationally that set high standards of education and are framed in a way that is applicable internationally with variations to suit local conditions. The ICS has been “recognising” urodynamic courses and training programmes for several years that conform to the ICS standards. The ICS are now offering this recognition to any discipline that fits with the ICS remit and in return for a small fee the course organisers are provided with a certificate stating that the programme conforms to the ICS standards thus giving an internationally recognised seal of approval. The ICS will also provide assistance marketing the recognised course to the ICS membership and beyond.

To apply then please download the ICS Course Recognition Guidelines and Application Form, complete the standard cover page, the application form and then provide the supporting items below:

• Course outline and course schedule with length of time of each faculty’s presentation
• Course handout (and/or slides) provided to delegates
• Course evaluation form to include a question to delegates asking whether the presentation and content were free from sponsor bias

Please note all the application and supporting documentation must be provided in English.

All applications should be returned to Mairead at the ICS office. Should you have any questions regarding your application then please email Mairead direct on

The current recognised courses are available to view on the ICS Recognised Course calendar.

Once all the items are received by the ICS office the applications are reviewed by the ICS Education Committee in conjunction with experts in the field of the discipline applied for. Should the application be approved then the fee is required before any certificate is issued. The ICS will then allow use of the ICS logo in accordance with the ICS Branding Pack and assist advertising the course through the ICS website and other electronic formats.

For non-profit making organisations or courses
• From zero to 100 participants 300 GBP
• From 101 to 500 participants: 600 GBP
• From 501 to 1000 participants: 1200 GBP
• Over 1000 participants; contact office

For profit making organisations/courses
• From zero to 100 participants 600 GBP
• From 101 to 500 participants: 1000 GBP
• From 501 to 1000 participants: 1500 GBP
• Over 1000 participants; contact office

All disciplines and applications from industry will be considered. Recognition will apply for 3 years.

28/01/2025 08:22:46  14770
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