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ICI 2008 - Chapter 18 Fistulas in the Developing World

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ICI 2008 - Chapter 18 Fistulas in the Developing World

International Consultation on Incontinence

The forth International Consultation on Incontinence (ICI) was held in Paris, July 2008. Special attention was paid to Vesicovaginal Fistula in the Developing World in collaboration with WHO and many other associations working in this field.

ICI Committee 18 on Fistulas in the Developing World consisted of the following members:


  • Dirk De Ridder (Belguim)


      1. Badlani (USA)
    1. Browning (Ethiopia)
    1. Singh (India)
    1. Sombie (Burkina Fasco)
      1. Wall (USA)

PDFRead ICI 2008 Chapter 18: Fistulas in the Developing World


De Ridder D, Badlani GH, Browning A, et al. Fistulas in the developing world. In: Abrams P, Cardozo L, Khoury S, Wein A, editors. Incontinence, 4th ed.Paris: Health Publications Ltd. UK; 2009. pp. 1419–1458.

23/02/2025 18:49:44  1665
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