This 2-day course is designed to put Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants at the forefront of menopause practice. Menopause is not a disease needing to be cured, but a natural life-stage transition. Baby boomers represent approximately 25% of the US population with female survival rates higher than male rates, and account for one-third of all healthcare spending. Menopause is a neglected topic in healthcare, leaving many women confused when making important healthcare decisions. It is challenging knowing where to obtain accurate information regarding changes in the woman’s body that accompanies menopause. Physical therapists will learn new skills to meet the needs of this population. This two-day course will provide therapists with the knowledge and skills necessary to assist women approaching their critical menopausal years to enhance their health, improve their quality of life, and reduce healthcare costs associated with preventable diseases. Participants will understand the latest evidence related to menopause and treatment options, how to assimilate this information for effective care of their aging, female clients, and how to collaborate with allied health.