Consensus Projects

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Consensus Projects

Improve patient outcomes

Consensus on clinical practice and standardisation is core to the ICS. Where there is a divergence of practices and no standard "how to" guidance, the ICS will gather internationally recognised experts and produce standardised outcomes. The ICS prides itself on its transparency and non-biased approach to the creation of multidisciplinary working groups and its meticulous process of reviewing existing evidence and creating the consensus, generating recommendations for identifying clinical features and management. The ICS will manage the call for working group members, the discussion forums and if required can prepare a face to face meeting to gather the respected experts for a fuller engaged discussion. The ICS can cover a range of topics to improve patient outcomes.

You can view previous outcomes here under the ICS Standards page. You can view an example of how we might advertise the content here.

29/08/2024 21:32:05  16210
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