Abstract editing closed until author change publication tasks are complete

Please file abstract author change emails in education -> 2020 -> scientific programme -> author changes

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Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission

Do not include author or institution details
{{Details.inputTitle.$viewValue.length || 0}}/500

Abstract Title requiredtoo long!

Research Type required!

Surgical Type required!

Category required!

Presentation type required!

{{Details.inputVideoUrl.$viewValue.length || 0}}/255

Video Url too long!

{{Details.inputAltVideoUrl.$viewValue.length || 0}}/255

Video Url too long!

No Keywords Selected

Select 3-5 keywords that best describe your abstract

Keywords Valid!

Max 5 Keywords!

All authors must be in agreement of this submission
No Authors Exist
. ,
  • #{{($index + 1)}}

    Family Name requiredtoo long! (/255)

    Given Name(s) requiredtoo long! (/255)

    Institution requiredtoo long! (/500)

    Email not valid formattoo long! (/255)

Maximum of Authors. Please enter names in full. Drag authors up/down to reorder.
Author Email address will not be published, shared or used for marketing purposes

Do not include authors or institution details, information regarding ethical approval or funding

ICS standard terminology must be adhered to; use the ICS Glossary.

References must only be included as bracketed numbers within text

Abstract Text should be in total at least {{EASLC.WordsPerAbstractMin}} words and no more than {{EASLC.WordsPerAbstractMax}} words.

Abstract Text should be in total no more than 600 words.

Hypothesis / aims of study Introduction


Introduction required!

Study design, materials and methods Design


Design required!



Results required!

Interpretation of results


Interpretation required!

Concluding message Conclusion


Conclusion required!

References (optional - max 3)

{{Abstract.inputRef1.$viewValue.length || 0}}/500

Ref 1 too long!

{{Abstract.inputRef2.$viewValue.length || 0}}/500

Ref 2 too long!

{{Abstract.inputRef3.$viewValue.length || 0}}/500

Ref 3 too long!

Figures (optional)

Maximum {{EASLC.MaxFiguresPerAbstract}} images (can be tables/graphs/photos)

Images must be in JPEG format - max size 35Mb

Upload error. Figure image must be a JPG image less than 35Mb!
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Final Checks

Abstract Text should be in total at least {{EASLC.WordsPerAbstractMin}} words and no more than {{EASLC.WordsPerAbstractMax}} words. Abstract Text should be in total no more than 600 words.

Your abstract text total: Words

Your abstract is under {{EASLC.WordsPerAbstractMin}} words. It is too short!
Your abstract is over {{EASLC.WordsPerAbstractMax}} words. It is too long!

Your video abstract text total: Words

Your video abstract is over 600 words. It is too long!
Hypothesis / aims of study contains authors: {{name}}. Abstracts must be anonymous!
Study design, materials and methods contains authors: {{name}}. Abstracts must be anonymous!
Results contains authors: {{name}}. Abstracts must be anonymous!
Interpretation of results contains authors: {{name}}. Abstracts must be anonymous!
Concluding message contains authors: {{name}}. Abstracts must be anonymous!

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Final "pre-flight" checks

This is how your abstract will appear when published if it is accepted. Please check your submission carefully.

Please note - the most common reasons for rejection are:

  • Breaching Anonymity - do not include names of authors or institutions (e.g. University or Hospital) in the text or when referring to a publication in the text
  • Not completing sections - ensure each section has adequate text to describe your research
  • Invalid Terminology - ensure ICS Terminology is used in your abstract. Refer to the ICS Glossary for current terms and definitions.

Hypothesis / aims of study Introduction

Study design, materials and methods Design


Interpretation of results

Concluding message Conclusion

  • .

Fig .


Thank you for your abstract submission for !

Your abstract will be reviewed by key opinion leaders in your field.

Edit your abstract at any time until the closing date.

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Please upload your video using the upload button on the my abstract page.

You must send us your video for review by the closing date!

Your video must in MP4 video file format

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1. Details Edit

Abstract Tracking Number


Abstract title


Research Type


Pure and Applied Science / Translational

Surgical Type

Not Surgical


Abstract Category

2. Keywords Edit


3. Authors Edit

# Family Name Given Name(s) Institution

{{UAC.CurrentAbstract.Title}} Edit

Hypothesis / aims of study Introduction

Study design, materials and methods Design


Interpretation of results

Concluding message Conclusion

  • .

Fig .


5. Disclosures Edit

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