John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

Guidelines for accepted workshop chairs and speakers


We appreciate the contribution you are making to the ICS in presenting the educational content. As a chair or speaker of a workshop, there are several responsibilities which are yours to coordinate. If you are unable to make any of the deadlines or need assistance regarding workshops please contact the ICS Office on

1. Submission results announced
The Chair of the workshop will be notified of the outcome of their submission by Tuesday 13th February 2025.

If accepted, there may be some suggested changes to the workshop so please read the acceptance email carefully and discuss where necessary with the ICS office.

2. Invitation to speakers and scheduling

At the time of submission the workshop chair is responsible for inviting the speakers and ensuring their availability.

Once all accepted workshops have been scheduled into the programme, chairs and speakers will be advised of the date and time of their workshop and asked to reconfirm their attendance via the ICS Website.

3. Speakers to confirm their participation

All speakers, including chairs, need to confirm their participation in the workshop via the ICS Website by Tuesday 27th February 2025.

4. Speaker changes
If there is any change, at any time, to the speakers of a workshop advise the ICS office immediately. Delegates purchase tickets to workshops largely based on the speakers so we want to ensure that our promotional materials and the website are up to date.

Please note, a speaker can only chair one or participate in two workshops. The ICS office will check that this is the case when the applications are received but should there be any changes to speakers, please ensure that they are not speaking at more than two workshops.

5. Registration

All chairs and speakers must register for the Annual Meeting – they must be fully registered delegates but do not need to register for the workshop itself. Flights and accommodation are not paid for by the ICS.

6. Disclosures

At the time of submission the workshop chair is responsible for including any conflicts of interest and industry disclosures for any of the faculty.

7. Handouts

The information provided in the application will be used to create the workshop handout. Once this is compiled you will be asked to check and confirm the handout and add any missing information - which we ask that you do in a timely manner.

8. Recording

All workshops, excluding hands-on workshops, will be recorded by the ICS office and posted onto the ICS website for viewing. The workshop chair will need to raise in the workshop submission if any speakers do not wish to be filmed and state the reasons why.

9. Presentation slides/PowerPoint

All speakers should prepare their lecture/discussion on PowerPoint. We strongly recommend that workshop chairs arrange for the slides to be sent to them ahead of the workshop for review to avoid any duplication of content. It’s also good practice to check that each speaker will stick to the time allotted and is not trying to cover too much content. All speakers must bring their presentations to the speaker ready room onsite at least 1 hour prior to the workshop. Facilities will only be available for use of Microsoft PowerPoint so please ensure your presentations are compatible. As the workshops are part of the educational programme of the Annual Meeting we do ask that there are no links or logos to your affiliated industry or sponsorship on your handouts or PowerPoint slides. Please ensure that ICS Terminology is used throughout.

Please note, that unless otherwise advised, all the PowerPoint presentations will be made available on the ICS website after the annual meeting in PDF format. Please contact the office should you, or any of your speakers, have an issue with this.

10. Evaluation

In addition to the overall Annual Meeting evaluation, we ask all workshop delegates to complete an additional evaluation form for each workshop that they attend. The ICS Office will send the workshop chair a slide with a QR Code to this form which we ask to be added to the end of the last presentation. The Chair should ensure that delegates complete this evaluation form at the end of the session before they leave the room. The results from the workshop evaluation forms will be collated into a report and shared with the workshop chair after the meeting.

15/02/2025 18:03:07  27372
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