John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

Video Abstract Submission Guidelines


Rules for video acceptance

Please note that Abstract Videos are designed for content such as a demonstration of a surgical technique with video of the surgery not simply a video of someone presenting their powerpoint presentation slides of a paper abstract.

Watch great examples of video abstracts presented at one of the 2024 video abstract sessions.

1. Video Abstract Submission

2. Formatting (Written Abstract)

  • Video abstracts must not exceed 600 words but may be less.
  • Video abstracts are composed of a title and these sections:
    • Introduction
    • Design
    • Results
    • Conclusions
  • Video abstracts must have a title and some text included in each section, or will be rejected.

3. Formatting (Video)

  • All videos must be 5 minutes or less in length from start to finish. This time includes any time used to show the title, or any information associated with the video.
  • The video must be in MP4 format, please contact for any submission questions regarding video quality or format.
  • Do not include music in your video, unless it is copyright free. You can avoid copyright-related issues by picking a song from the YouTube Audio Library (Google account required).

4. Scoring

  • Selection of the video abstracts for the meeting will be scored by a sub-committee of the scientific committee.
  • The top rated video abstracts will be presented at a podium session.
  • Submitters of video abstracts should, in their accompanying text and narrative, highlight where their video exhibits
    • OR Originality / Topicality / Innovation / Novelty versus existing techniques
    • CR Clinical / Scientific Relevance - evidence informed approach, for example a case series on the procedure demonstrated, or an approach that is based on established surgical and anatomic principles
  • and provides
    • EV Educational Value of demonstrating the technique of this particular procedure (could apply to a novel OR a well-known, established, traditional procedure).
  • The
    • VQ Video Quality will be judged based on ability to see the technique and anatomy in focus at the correct focal length and lighting, the use of diagrams and visuals (the submitter takes full responsibility for any copyright infringement of images or music), and the quality of narration to support the instruction.

5. Check List

  • Is the abstract content less than 600 words?
  • Does the abstract have text in each of the four sections of the abstract?
  • Is video length less than 5 minutes?
  • Have you uploaded your video on the abstract centre after the submission form?
  • Has informed consent been obtained?


03/03/2025 18:51:21  27442
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