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Abstract Submission Guidelines

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Abstract Submission Guidelines

Essential reading for a successful submission

1. Abstract Submission

  • All submissions must be made via the ICS-EUS website by 3 April.
  • The ICS-EUS Scientific Committee will decide on the presentation category for presentation abstracts;
    • Podium Presentation
    • E-Poster
  • All accepted abstracts will be published on the ICS-EUS website exactly as submitted.
  • Podium Presentations will be published in the ICS Journal, Continence.
  • Abstracts previously published or presented at an international meeting, comparable to ICS-EUS, are rejected. If your abstract is accepted for ICS-EUS you will be asked to withdraw the same abstract from any other international meetings you may have also submitted to.

2. Anonymity for most objective review

  • The abstract text must be anonymous. i.e. without any authors’ or institutions’ names. Do not include the name of the hospital, university or city.
  • All abstract identification details, references, ethical approval, and disclosures will be taken separately as part of the online submission process and will be merged again with the abstract text after review.

3. Ethical approval

  • A clear statement on ethical approval must be given, or stated as NONE.
  • For studies in humans, ethical committee approval must be clearly identified and patients’ informed consent must be stated.
  • For studies in animals, conformity with institutional/national guidelines for the care and use of animals must be declared, and when applicable the animal ethics committee be identified.

4. Disclosures and funding

  • Any external funding of the study or grants must be declared or stated as NONE.

5. Abstract Formatting and Subtitles

  • The format requested must be at least 300 words but not more than 600 words.
  • Do not use characters or symbols from any font set other than Arial.
  • Images, figures, graphs and tables can be uploaded with a maximum total of 2 per abstract.
  • Abstracts must use the sections given:
    • Hypothesis / aims of study
    • Study design, materials and methods
    • Results
    • Interpretation of results
    • Concluding message
  • Missing sections will cause rejection.

6. Abstract Content

  • Abstracts must be written in English.
  • All abstracts must contain adequate data. Case reports or study proposals only will not be accepted.
  • Strictly use ICS Terminology. Please note that the use of obsolete terminology may cause rejection.
  • For studies comparing results between groups, sample size (power) calculations must be included.
  • For RCTs any non-adherence to the CONSORT guidelines must be specified and justified.
  • Studies must not be split into multiple abstracts. This could lead to each abstract being downgraded.
  • Preliminary Data – people publishing a study in progress (not an interim analysis). Data submitted must be that presented at the meeting.
  • Abstracts must specify either:
    • Pure and Applied Science / Translational
    • Clinical
  • Abstracts must specify either:
    • Surgical
    • Not Surgical
  • Abstracts must specify one Broad Category :
Anatomy / Biomechanics Nocturia
Anorectal / Bowel Dysfunction Overactive Bladder
Conservative Management Paediatrics
Continence Care Products / Devices / Technologies Pelvic Organ Prolapse
E-Health Pelvic Pain Syndromes
Ethics Pharmacology
Female Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) / Voiding Dysfunction Pregnancy and Pelvic Floor Disorders
Female Sexual Dysfunction Prevention and Public Health
Female Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) Prostate Clinical / Surgical
Geriatrics / Gerontology Quality of Life / Patient and Caregiver Experiences
Health Services Delivery Rehabilitation
Imaging Research Methods / Techniques
Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) / Voiding Dysfunction Transgender Health
Male Sexual Dysfunction Urethra Male / Female
Male Stress Urinary Incontinence (Post Prostatectomy Incontinence) Urodynamics
  • Abstracts must specify three Keywords but no more than five:
Anal Incontinence Grafts: Synthetic Nursing Questionnaire
Anatomy Hormone Therapy Outcomes Research Methods Rehabilitation
Animal Study Imaging Overactive Bladder Retrospective Study
Pure and Applied Science Incontinence Pad Test Sensory Dysfunction
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Infection, Urinary Tract Pain, Pelvic/Perineal Sexual Dysfunction
Biochemistry Infection, other Painful Bladder Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (IC) Spinal Cord Injury
Biomechanics Male Pain, other Stem Cells / Tissue Engineering
Bladder Outlet Obstruction Mathematical or statistical modelling Pathophysiology Stress Urinary Incontinence
Bowel Evacuation Dysfunction Mixed Urinary Incontinence Pediatrics Surgery
Cell Culture Molecular Biology Pelvic Floor Terminology
Clinical Trial Motor Dysfunction Pelvic Organ Prolapse Transgender
Conservative Treatment Multiple Sclerosis Pharmacology Underactive Bladder
Constipation New Instrumentation Physiotherapy Urgency Urinary Incontinence
Detrusor Overactivity New Devices Physiology Urgency, Fecal
Detrusor Hypocontractility Neuromodulation Pre-Clinical testing Urgency/Frequency
Female Neuropathies: Central Prevention Urodynamics Techniques
Fistulas Neuropathies: Peripheral Prolapse Symptoms Urodynamics Equipment
Gerontology Nocturia Prospective Study Voiding Diary
Grafts: Biological Nocturnal Enuresis Quality of Life (QoL) Voiding Dysfunction

7. Authors

  • First Authors (presenters) can only be first authors on a maximum of three submitted abstracts.

8. Abstract References

  • A maximum of 3 references must be listed separately, and referred to in the abstract text only with numbers in brackets.

9. Final Precautions

Abstract Title:

  • Title only; NO author or institution details.

Abstract Text:

  • Minimum 300 words; maximum 600 words and maximum 2 figures/tables/images/graphs
  • All subtitle sections filled adequately.
  • ICS Terminology and guidelines adhered to.

Separately Submitted:

  • Ethical approval / Funding, - NOT in text.
  • Author and institution, - NOT in text.
  • References, ONLY numbers in brackets in text.

IF YOU VIOLATE ANY ABSTRACT SUBMISSION RULE, YOUR ABSTRACT WILL BE REJECTED. The ICS Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject an abstract for other reasons not stated above.

03/03/2025 16:29:46  27400
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