Pelvic floor dysfunction in male and female cancers: conservative management strategies before and after cancer treatment

Round Table Discussion 2

Wednesday 23rd October 2024
14:00 - 15:00
Capacity: 1100
Live Translation Available
27/06/2024 15:09:47

The aim of this RT is to conduct a comprehensive review of evidence-based Rehabilitation and Prehabilitation strategies in patients pre and post cancer treatment. Through this, participants will gain insights into actionable approaches for their clinical practice, particularly in managing pelvic floor dysfunction in this group of patients.

Topic Speaker
Efficacy of rehabilitation strategies on patient-reported symptoms (UI, sexual dysfunction) following Prostate cancer treatment. Paula Igualada Martinez
Efficacy of rehabilitation strategies on patient-reported symptoms (UI, sexual dysfunction, pain…) following Gynaecology cancer treatment. Virginia Prieto-Gomez
Efficacy of rehabilitation strategies on pelvic floor muscle dysfunction (using clinician-reported outcomes and device-measures outcomes), potential treatment mechanisms and how to optimise clinical outcomes following Gynaecology cancer treatment. Helena C Frawley
Prehabilitation to Improve Outcomes of Patients with Pelvic Cancer: what does the evidence suggest? Marie-Pierre Cyr
Q&A session ALL

