John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair

Scientific Session Chair Guidelines


Thank you for chairing an ICS abstracts session. Please follow these guidelines to deliver the best possible session:


Ahead of the meeting:

  • View your session in the programme and read all the abstracts for your session.
  • Please have a question ready for each presentation in case the audience is shy/slow to ask a question.
  • There may be late changes to the speakers in your session so please check the session programme page ahead of the session.

On the day

Please check:

  • Before the start of the session please ask delegates to take their seats and silence any mobile devices.
  • Please notify the in-hall AV Technician immediately of any AV equipment problems.

Start of your Session

Please announce (read out):

  • Session title
  • Names and affiliations of all chairs

During your Session

  • Introduce speakers by name and affiliation before their presentation.
  • If a speaker does not show up, please move to the next speaker, and come back to them if you can or allocate more time for Q&A.


  • Questions must be asked using a microphone and must be preceded by name, profession, and country.

Wrapping up

At the end of the session, try to summarise some key points of the discussion and thank the audience for their participation.

Slot Timings (minutes):

Format Podium Podium Short Oral Podium Video Open Discussion ePoster
Presentation 7 3 5 3
Q&A 8 4 4 2

Summary of Tasks:

  • Announce speakers
  • Guide and organise the Q&A / discussion
  • Time management; prevent speakers from running over
  • Conclude the session
12/03/2025 20:11:38  27018
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