A joint annual meeting of
InternationalContinence Society
John Heesakkers
ICS General Secretary
Yaser Saeedi
EUS PresidentMeeting Co-Chair
Sherif Mourad
Meeting Co-Chair
Yasser Farahat
Scientific Chair
We invite you to meet key members of the International Continence Society at the ICS booth in the exhibition hall.
Take advantage of the opportunity to meet these leading experts in continence research and education:
Pedro Blasco HernándezICS Annual Meeting Co-Chair
Tamara DickinsonNurse
Enrico Finazzi AgròICS Trustee
Paula Igualada MartinezICS Committee Chair
Anne M SuskindUrologist
Sanjay SinhaUrologist
Adrian Stuart WaggGeriatrician
Howard B GoldmanUrologist
Steven E Schraffordt KoopsUrogynaecologist
Frankie BatesNurse
William Robert GibsonGeriatrician
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