John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair



Support the largest global meeting on continence

Following the success of the first in-person ICS Annual Meeting in 3 years, in Vienna, we are delighted to invite you to join us in Toronto for the 53rd Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society– we are excited to see you again!

We expect to attract approximately 1,500 - 2,000 key players in the fields of urology, gynaecology, uro-gynaecology, physiotherapy, nursing, neurology and paediatric urology, and pharmacology. Our delegates gather annually to discuss the latest developments in continence medicine and the most recent research results and discoveries.

The ICS Annual Meeting is an ideal exhibiting opportunity for companies with an interest in the field of incontinence. We have exhibitors and sponsors returning to the Meeting year after year to support the ICS in their mission to advance basic and clinical science through education, research and advocacy.

As previous years, we will offer Product Theatre sessions and will support Start-up companies, so reach out to us to know more information.

We look forward to seeing you in Toronto!

Industry Support and Exhibition Opportunities

Please contact Renata Gorinstein our Industry Liaison & Sales Associate for Price Lists, Booking Forms and more information.


To contact the ICS office directly:

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