A joint annual meeting of
InternationalContinence Society
John Heesakkers
ICS General Secretary
Yaser Saeedi
EUS PresidentMeeting Co-Chair
Sherif Mourad
Meeting Co-Chair
Yasser Farahat
Scientific Chair
Hear from Paula as she reveals which sessions she's most excited for at ICS 2023 and shares her top picks for Physiotherapists including workshops, State of the Art Lectures and of course, the Physiotherapy Forum!
Physiotherapy Forum | Paula Igualada Martinez (Chair)
Workshops ICS CORE CURRICULUM (FREE), Continence Management in Adolescence | Ashani Couchman (Chair) Non-neurogenic female bladder outlet obstruction | Lysanne Campeau (Chair) ICS CORE CURRICULUM (FREE): Addressing Women’s and Men’s Sexual Dysfunction | Marie-Pierre Cyr (Chair) The best evidence based concepts of pelvic floor muscle training | Kari Bø (Chair) Management of Obstetric Pelvic Floor Disorders: ‘Unicorn’ perinatal pelvic floor service | Paula Igualada Martinez (Chair) Group intervention for pelvic floor muscle dysfunctions in postmenopausal women | Chantale L Dumoulin (Chair)
Round Table Discussion Women’s Sexual Health and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction | Melanie Morin (Chair)
State of the Art Lectures The Approach and Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction in Men | Gerald Brock Overactive Bladder Drugs and Dementia - Where does truth lie? | Howard Goldman Bladder Pain Syndromes: Have we made any advances in our understanding? | Michael Chancellor
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