
21st Physiotherapy Forum

The Physiotherapy Forum is an opportunity for physiotherapists, or anyone interested in physiotherapy, to network, enjoy presentations from emerging and established researchers and clinical leaders and most of all, have fun. The Forum programme includes a variety of topics. The preliminary programme can be found below.

Pre-registration to this session is required. Spaces are limited so please register early. Please note you must be registered for the ICS Annual Meeting in order to also register for the Forum session.

All are welcome to stay to the end and join us for a drinks reception. Light food will be provided whilst you chat with friends and network with colleagues from around the world. Tickets are included in your Forum ticket, so why not enjoy an early evening reception with your friends and colleagues. To get a ticket sign up via the online registration system or email reg_ics22@kenes.com

2:35 2:40 Welcome Heather Moky
2:40 3:05 Mindfulness and OAB Rebecca Reisch
3:05 3:10 Questions Rebecca Reisch
Recent Advances in Physiotherapy from the Next Generation of Researchers
3:10 3:21 The relationship between estimates of puborectalis muscle stiffness made with shear wave elastography and electromyography in healthy men Rachel Worman, PT, DPT, MPT, PhD student
3:21 3:32 Pelvic floor physical therapy in the treatment of chronic anal fissure Daniëlle van Reijn, MSc PhD student
3:32 3:48 Postpartum return-to-sport: bridging the gap between sports medicine and pelvic health Gráinne Donnelly, BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD student
3:48 3:59 Questions/Panel discussion All
4:00 4:30 Coffee Break
Women’s Health Session
4:30 4:51 Evidence and clinical training for Pelvic Floor Muscle training in POP and beyond Kari Bo, PHD
4:51 5.12 Update on Urinary Incontinence - current evidence Chantale Dumoulin, PT, PhD
5.12 5.21 Questions/Panel Discussion All
Men’s Health Session
5:21 5.42 Research Updates Paul Hodges, BPhty(Hons), PhD, MedDr, DSc, FACP
5.42 6.03 The man at the end of the penis: Psycho-sexual aspects of men’s health Marty Klein, PhD
6.03 6.12 Questions/Panel Discussion All
6.12 6.15 Closing Comments Heather Moky
27/01/2025 20:12:53