Efficacy and safety of dorsal onlay labia minora graft for treatment of female urethral stricture: long term follow-up

Kadir O1, Burak Yavuz K2, Abdullah A2, Mesut S1, Ulas C3

Research Type


Abstract Category

Urethra Male / Female

Abstract 529
Open Discussion ePosters
Scientific Open Discussion Session 34
Saturday 10th September 2022
13:10 - 13:15 (ePoster Station 2)
Exhibition Hall
Female Voiding Dysfunction Grafts: Biological Retrospective Study
1. Ondokuz Mayis University, Department of Urology, Samsun, Turkey, 2. Medicalpark Hospital, Department of Urology, Samsun, Turkey, 3. Ondokuz Mayis University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Samsun, Turkey


Hypothesis / aims of study
Female urethral stricture is a rare disease. Urethroplasty with different techniques using grafts or flaps are successful treatment options. The aim of this study to evaluate effectiveness and safety of dorsal onlay labium minora graft for the treatment of female urethral stricture.
Study design, materials and methods
Female patients underwent dorsal onlay labium minora graft urethroplasty were enrolled the study.  Patient’s demographic data, operative technique, duration of  follow up period, preoperative and postoperative urinary flow rate, voided volume residual urine volume were recorded. Preoperative and postoperative Qmax, residual volume were compared. Non parametric Wilcoxon test was used.
Technique: In lithotomy position hydrophilic guidewire was inserted to bladder through structured urethra in order to find urethral mucosa during transection of urethra. supra-urethral semi circular incision was made 9 o'clock to 3 o'clock . direction carried our to bladder. urethra was transected at 12 o'clock position from external meatus to bladder as well as. 1x4cm left or right labium minora graft was harvested. Graft was put on 12 o'clock position of urethra with 4-0 polyglactin suture. semicircular incision was closed with 4-0 polyglactin suture. 18 Ch foley catheter was placed into bladder. labial incision was also closed with rapid polyglactin suture.
Ten patients underwent urethroplasty . Diagnosis was done with cystoscopy and uroflowmetry . Patient’s mean age was 44 ± 4 years old. The mean follow up period was 13 ± 5,4 months. Mean duration of urethral stricture was 7 ± 2,4 years and number of previously attempt of urethral stricture ( dilatation or optic urethrotomy) 4,8 ± 1.6 . Labial graft were harvested in two patients on left and eight patients on right labia minora ( figure I ). Grafts were placed 12 o’clock position on urethral structure with continue 4 - 0 polyglactin suture(Figure II).
Interpretation of results
Urinary flow rate was statistically significant increased from 8,6 ± 2,8 ml / sec to 31,8 ± 5,6 ml/sec. respectively ( p < 0,01 ) . Residual volume decreased from 137±50 ml to 43 ± 18 ( p < 0,01 ). No postoperative complications detected such as infection, retention, fistula formation .
Concluding message
Hairless labium minora graft is suitable graft such as buccal mucosa graft in tem of hairless. Advantages were hairless , easy to harvesting and no need take from buccal mucosa as a second surgical area. Dorsal onlay labia minora graft for treatment of female urethral stricture was effective and safe method with long term follow up period .
Figure 1 Harvesting left labia minora graft
Figure 2 Final appearance of urethra with graft
Funding no Clinical Trial No Subjects Human Ethics not Req'd retrospective Helsinki Yes Informed Consent Yes
21/02/2025 04:45:06