A joint annual meeting of
InternationalContinence Society
John Heesakkers
ICS General Secretary
Yaser Saeedi
EUS PresidentMeeting Co-Chair
Sherif Mourad
Meeting Co-Chair
Yasser Farahat
Scientific Chair
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The Education Committee is pleased to announce a range of workshops which will be run "webinar style" at ICS 2021. Rather than watching content remotely you will actually be in the webinar with the faculty and have the ability to interact, ask questions and discuss the topics and case studies directly! Therefore these workshops are being sold on a first come first served basis as spaces are limited. Due to the nature of the format there will be a registration charge to ensure attendance. If you miss out on a place you will still be able to watch the recording on demand after the meeting. However, these workshops will be best experienced when you work with the faculty live so book early!
Registration is now open for these workshops. If you have already registered and wish to purchase a workshop contact Diyana Yosifova
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