A joint annual meeting of
InternationalContinence Society
John Heesakkers
ICS General Secretary
Yaser Saeedi
EUS PresidentMeeting Co-Chair
Sherif Mourad
Meeting Co-Chair
Yasser Farahat
Scientific Chair
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ICS 2021 Online will provide you with a chance to listen and interact with the experts as they debate hot topics and the latest research.
Peter John GillingUrologist
Paul AbramsUrologist
Henry WooUrologist
Dean EltermanUrologist
Linda CardozoUrogynaecologist
Christopher F MaherUrogynaecologist
Jan DeprestGynaecologist
Roy NgUrogynaecologist
Roger Roman DmochowskiUrologist
Karl-Erik AnderssonClinical Pharmacologist
Russ Chess-WilliamsPharmacologist
Eric ChungUrologist
Hikaru HashitaniPhysiologist
Betty ExintarisResearch Scientist
Ralf MiddendorffUser
Wendy F BowerPhysiotherapist
George SzonyiGeriatrician
D Michael K WhishawGeriatrician
Christopher R ChappleUrologist
Caroline GargettUser
Sheila MacNeilUser
Michael ChancellorUrologist
Jennifer KrugerClinical Scientist
Peter ChinUrologist
Mark C SlackUrogynaecologist
Joan OstaszkiewiczNurse
Anne M SuskindUrologist
Anita FrancisNurse
Tiina Vaittinen VaittinenHealth Services Researcher
Helena C FrawleyPhysiotherapist
Ouida Lenaine WestneyUrologist
Thomas JoblingUser
Paul HodgesPhysiotherapist
Melanie MorinPhysiotherapist
Anton EmmanuelGastroenterologist
Janie ThompsonNurse
Phillip DinningResearch Scientist
Allison BryantPhysiotherapist
Veronika GengNurse
Victor William NittiUrologist
Marcus CareyUrogynaecologist
Howard B GoldmanUrologist
Catherine MatthewsSurgeon
*Please note that the programme is subject to change.
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