John Heesakkers

ICS General Secretary

ICS General Secretary

Yaser Saeedi

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

EUS President
Meeting Co-Chair

Sherif Mourad

Meeting Co-Chair

Meeting Co-Chair

Yasser Farahat

Scientific Chair

Scientific Chair


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What to expect at ICS 2021

ICS 2021 will be a 4 day online event, a truly international meeting by providing a live stream of content to suit all locations around the world!

To honour ICS 2021's origins in Melbourne, we will start the live sessions late afternoon Australian time. Sessions will then continue throughout the day until the sun sets in Western USA! We hope that this will ensure you can capture the live content no matter where you are based in the world.

Along with the usual high quality educational and scientific exchanges the following is included in your registration fee:

  • Full access to the International Consultation on Incontinence (ICI7). Get involved and influence the content of the next “bible” on incontinence!
  • 12 hours of live streamed content each day, with the ability to interact directly with the faculty. In addition there will be over 15 workshops which you can join and actually be in the webinar with the faculty. Get up close and personal with some of the best ICS faculty around the world.
  • Once streamed all live content will immediately become available on demand so you can catch up at your convenience. Pause, rewind and re-watch to fully ensure you take onboard the content!
  • Earn maximum CME credits by participating in the scientific programme (application pending)
  • Network with colleagues. Just because we are apart doesn’t mean that you can't catch up with friends and foster new research projects.
  • Visit the virtual exhibition hall. Journey through the exhibition booths, explore the displayed materials, contact exhibitors directly, and chat with other visitors.

And so much more!

AS A BONUS: ICS is the leader in research and education in the field of continence. Dissemination of research in our field is one of our core goals as a charity. Our aim is therefore to make the content available indefinitely.

To take advantage, all you need is an internet connection!


Expect to hear from world class leaders in the field of incontinence. Their lectures and discussions will bring you the cutting edge information about pelvic floor dysfunction. We are pleased to confirm our State of the Art Lectures and Round Tables for 2021 - you can click on the faculty to learn more about their lecture and recommended reading ahead of the event:

Learn more about the planned Round Tables here.

Other meeting highlights include:

    Delayed from 2020, the ICS Board of Trustees is very pleased to announce that ICUD to host the 7th International Consultation on Incontinence (ICI) at ICS 2021. The ICI has established itself as one of the foremost and widely quoted set of international guidelines on the management of urinary and faecal incontinence. Many of the contributors are active ICS members and the published work of the consultation directly fits with the mission and strategic aims of the ICS. So it is most appropriate, and with great pride, that the ICS be directly involved once again following the successful partnership to deliver ICI 6. The role of the ICS will be to host the consultation event, publish the final publication and disseminate the recommendations and guidelines. All ICS 2021 delegates will be able to review the proposed content of the book and provide valuable feedback to the Chapter Chairs. After ICS 2021 there will be further live ICI presentations and further opportunities to feedback at no extra cost. More details of these live sessions will be coming soon!

    “Prevention is Better Than Cure ! - Optimising Delivery for Better Pelvic Floor Health”
    International and local societies, decision makers and patient support groups will gather for this collaborative event. This Summit plans to present a range of lectures related to maternal health such as the epidemiology of pelvic floor dysfunction, anatomy of vaginal birth & computer modelling, obstetric anal sphincter injury and prevention of maternal birth trauma in low resource settings. The outcomes of this Summit will be to deliver some broad resolutions across all parties involved. ICS, FIGO, UGSA, IUGA, RANZCOG, Australian College of Midwifery, Australian Physiotherapy Association, Department of Health Australia.

  • Pan-Pacific Continence Society ( PPCS )
    "Pearls In Management of Incontinence and LUT Obstruction After Prostate Cancer Treatment"
    This session will bring together like-minded urologists with an interest in management of incontinence associated with prostate cancer treatment. It will showcase the quality research and knowledge-sharing which come out of this part of the globe. The PPCS currently has 7 member countries : Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Australia, Indonesia and Thailand. The collegiate nature of this group will highlight the importance of international collaboration in the advancement of academic and clinical practice in offering optimal continence and pelvic floor care for our patients. Opportunity exists for discussion with the speakers after this session is completed via a chat-room function.

Integrated Educational Programme

There will be a combination of types of workshops this year. Whilst a select few will be streamed live, there will be 18 webinar workshops which you can register for. These workshops will allow you to get into the webinar directly with the faculty so you will get the best immersive experience possible. You must register for the meeting to register for these select workshops and spaces are limited so be sure to keep an eye out for our updates. Plus you will have access to all the on-demand workshops to watch and listen to at your leisure.


A special year to celebrate the amazing pelvic floor physiotherapists at the ICS! The forum is an opportunity for physiotherapists, or anyone interested in physiotherapy, to network, enjoy presentations from emerging and established researchers and clinical leaders and most of all, have fun.


The ICS invites you to an session full of nursing focused talks and discussions. Listen to lectures of recent research and experiences of nursing around the world.


We offer sessions specifically targeted at our early career professionals to supply you with tools to help you move on with your career and presentations skills. The ICS defines an "Early Career Professional" as someone who have graduated or completed their education in their speciality field within the last 5 years.

08/02/2025 02:57:39  16357
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