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Urology Track

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Urology Track

Whether you are just starting your career or if you need to catch up on the latest information, the ICS Urology Track will cover everything you need to know in 2020.

What's good for Early Career Professionals

As a young professional you can't attend ICS 2020 without attending the Early Career Session. This free session is open to all but really focuses on what you need to know in the early stages of your career. There will be seasoned ICS members giving fantastic talks and mock presentations to allow you to brush up your presentation skills at large conferences. Read more... P.S. You don't need to be "young" to attend this event, it's open to all!

There are also a range of workshops aimed at those starting their careers. These are highlighted as "Core Curriculum" in the programme. These are our top picks for young urologists...

Users' Guides to Practical Interpretation of Research Evidence for Shared Decision Making
Neurourology in 2020
Advances in Neurostimulation: Technology-Based Approach
Basic Urodynamics - An Interactive Workshop

There will also be a range of Video Abstract sessions available which will allow you to watch the procedures you need to know.

What's good for those wanting something more advanced!

Advanced Workshops
Neurodegenerative Disorders, LUTS and the Anticholinergic Burden - A workshop dedicated to the management of LUT dysfunction in cerebral disorders
Surgical Treatment of Postprostatectomy Incontinence – Workup, Options and Decision Making - a comprehensive overview of the current aspects of surgical treatment of male urinary incontinence following radical prostatectomy.
Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction in Neurogenic Patients - the course is to explore and discuss the interactions between lower urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract under both physiological and pathological conditions.
Management of Female Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction Secondary to Long Term Radiation Effects: A Case Based Approach -
This interactive case discussion addresses the challenging female lower urinary tract disease after pelvic irradiation.

To see all sessions in the Urology Track use the ICS Interactive Programme

Explore the Programme

15/02/2025 21:54:35  16069
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