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Bowel Dysfunction Track

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Bowel Dysfunction Track

The ICS Scientific Committee were committed this year to ensuring there was even more content in our Bowel Dysfunction Track. To see all sessions in this track use the ICS Interactive Programme but also see our top sessions below!

Explore the Programme

Top Anorectal Workshops!

Obstructive Defecation Syndrome: Conservative and Surgical Treatment - The aim of this course is to learn how to evaluate and manage obstructive defaecation syndrome (ODS).
Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction in Neurogenic Patients - The aim of the course is to explore and discuss the interactions between lower urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract under both physiological and pathological conditions.
Integrated Total Pelvic Floor Ultrasound in Pelvic Floor Dysfunction - The aim is to learn how to perform and interpret integrated total pelvic floor ultrasound (transperineal, transvaginal, endovaginal) as part of your assessment of pelvic floor dysfunction.
Updates in Diagnosis and Treatment of Neurogenic Bladder in Children and Adolescent - This workshop will describe the advanced knowledge of PNB related to the pathophysiology, the correct performance and interpretation of UDS results as well as its application in diagnosis and treatment, and the best strategy in different treatment procedures.

State of the Art

Bugs, Brain and the Gut – Towards a Better Understanding of Pathophysiology and Management of Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction - This topic is relevant due to an increasing prevalence of neurological disease. The brain-gut axis is being increasingly studied, especially neuromodulation and microbiota. Therapies are being developed without fully understanding mechanisms.
Spotlight on: American Society of Colo-Rectal Surgeons

23/02/2025 20:51:08  16072
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