The Impact of Aesthetic Treatment Using Microneedling on Female Sexual Function: clinical study phase I

Gomes T1, Ferreira I2, Santana B2, Alves I2, Lemos A1, Brasil C1, Teles A1, Ferreira R1, Pires J3, Baqueiro P1, Alves R1, Negrão M4, Braga R1, Pinto T5, Moreira S1, Marduy A6, Reis K1, Campos G1, Campos R1, Noites A7, Vilas Boas A1, Oliveira C8, Lordelo P1

Research Type


Abstract Category

Conservative Management

Abstract 564
ePoster 8
Scientific Open Discussion Session 36
Clinical Trial Female Conservative Treatment
1. Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Centro de Atenção ao Assoalho Pélvico, Instituto Patricia Lordelo, 2. Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS, Instituto Patrícia Lordelo, Centro de Atenção ao Assoalho Pélvico - CAAP, 3. Centro Universitário Estácio do Ceará, Faculdade IDE, 4. Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, 5. Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB, 6. União Metropolitana para o Desenvolvimento da Educação e Cultura - UNIME, 7. ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE SAÚDE POLITÉCNICO DO PORTO - PORTUGAL, 8. Pública Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública, Centro de Atenção ao Assoalho Pélvico, Instituto Patricia Lordelo, Universidade do Estado da Bahia


Hypothesis / aims of study
The search for aesthetic procedures in the genitalia region for the treatment of dysfunctions that lead to dissatisfaction with one's genital region increases every day (1). However, the real indication and influence of aesthetic treatment on female sexual function is not known. Microneedling is a procedure used in corporal and facial regions that convey satisfactory responses regarding aesthetic dysfunctions and self-esteem and has already been used on the genital region to improve the aspect and satisfaction with genitalia (2). Innovatively, this research aims to describe the impact of aesthetic treatment using microneedling on the genital region on female sexual function.
Study design, materials and methods
This is a phase I clinical that precedes a randomized clinical trial. The studied population were women with aesthetic complaints of skin flaccidity and genital hyperchromia, and that presented a regular, good, or worse sexual function according to the Sexual Quotient - female version (SQ-F). Higher values indicate better performance/sexual satisfaction: 82-100 points: good to excellent 62-80 points: regular to good 42-60 points: unfavorable to regular 22-40 points bad to unfavorable 0-20 points: null to bad. This is a tool that can be used to measure the efficiency of treatment intervention of female sexual function (3). Women were included in the study if the had 18-65 years of age, no dermatoses on genital region to be treated and or inflammation on the region, no infection diagnosis, nonpregnant women, and those that voluntarily accept to participate in the research. Patients were excluded if they used cosmetics on the genital region, took anticoagulant medication, and/or had difficulty understanding the proposed procedures. Women answered a basic medical history form and the QS-F questionnaire; they were also submitted to a physical examination and photographic record (Figure 1) as well as receiving a manual with treatment orientations. Afterward, participants underwent a microneedling session on the great labia with a 0.5mm Derma Erase roll. They followed this protocol to perform the movement 20 times with the roll over the skin in four directions: horizontal, vertical, left diagonal, and right diagonal (2). One month after the microneedling session, women returned to be reevaluated, maintaining protocol and initial evaluation. All participants signed an informed consent form
The population sample consisted of 11 women before and after undergoing aesthetic treatment, 8 participants presented a regular to good sexual function, and three had an unfavorable to regular sexual function according to the SQ-F. After one month of the aesthetic treatment session with microneedling on the genital region, 50% of patients improved their classification regarding sexual function: 5 women improved, five women did not alter their classification, and one worsened her sexual function. Upon assessment of individual scores of each participant, eight women increased their scores; 2 reduced their scores, but one of them remained in her category, and one participant did not alter her score. The average total score of the SQ-F before treatment was 67,09±11,36, and one month after the session, the average was 73,63±12,57 (p<0,05), categorizing these scores as regular to good in both circumstances. The results are described in Table 1.
Interpretation of results
The subjection of women to an aesthetic treatment session of microneedling on the genital region provided an improvement of sexual function seen that half of the participants improved their classification. The improvement of sexual function can also be represented by the increase of most of the participants' total scores on the SQ-F. Moreover, the modification of the total average score before and after microneedling reveals a significant improvement, even if their sexual function category was not altered, according to the SQ-F.
Concluding message
The cause of sexual dysfunction is multifactorial, and performing aesthetic treatment with a microneedling session on the genital region positively impacted for the improvement of female sexual function.
Figure 1 Table 1
Figure 2 Figure 1
  1. Wilkie G and Bartz D. Vaginal Rejuvenation: A Review of Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery. Obstet Gynecol Surv. 2018; 73 (5): 287-292
  2. Gomes T, Baqueiro P, Oliveira C, et al. Microneedling on the external female genitalia's flaccidity in patients with Ehlers-Danlos: Case report. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2019;1-6.
  3. Abdo, CHN. Quociente sexual feminino: um questionário brasileiro para avaliar atividade sexual da mulher. Diagn tratamento, 2009;14(2): 89-1.
Funding No funding received Clinical Trial Yes Public Registry No RCT No Subjects Human Ethics Committee Ethics Committee of the Bahiana School of Medicine and Public Health Helsinki Yes Informed Consent Yes
08/03/2025 16:24:57